
1. Database_​Operations

Database Operations

This workflow shows how to connect to a database and implement SQL queries, as free text or using the database nodes.

Database Access Opens the connection to the database and in some cases builds a first SELECT query. For SQLite DB a dedicated connector is available. Build SELECT query Import data into workflow Extract and Insert existing SQLqueries Writing into a database Workflow:Database_Operations This workflow shows how toconnect to a database andimplement SQL queries, as freetext or using the databasenodes. "include" = prod1, prod2, prod3"exclude" = prod5dedicated connectorto KCBBook.sqliteinsert prod_52015 Indiainto sales tableall fieldsall datafrom sales tableoriginal table + new India datadelete records withmatching value in "product" column update other field values in records where "column"matches "exclude"SELECT query toexclude rows with prod_4and include rows with GermanySELECT queryto exclude column "card"original data, no prod_4Write results of SQL query directly from databaseextract query fromrow filter +column filterno card,no prod_4from Row Filter andColumn Filterinject queryinto new DB connectionwrite output data table from KNIME into SQLite databaseno card, no prod_4SELECT * from sales SELECT query toexclude rows with "prod_4" and includerows with country = "Germany"match values in"exclude" columnSELECT queryno card, no prod_4generic connectorto SQLite DBKCBBookCopy.sqliteTable Creator SQLite Connector DB SQL Executor DB Table Selector DB Reader DB Delete (Table) DB Update DB Query DB Column Filter DB Reader DB ConnectionTable Writer DB Query Extractor DB Reader DB Query Injector DB Writer DB Reader DB Table Selector DB Row Filter ParameterizedDB Query Reader DB Query Reader DB Connector Database Access Opens the connection to the database and in some cases builds a first SELECT query. For SQLite DB a dedicated connector is available. Build SELECT query Import data into workflow Extract and Insert existing SQLqueries Writing into a database Workflow:Database_Operations This workflow shows how toconnect to a database andimplement SQL queries, as freetext or using the databasenodes. "include" = prod1, prod2, prod3"exclude" = prod5dedicated connectorto KCBBook.sqliteinsert prod_52015 Indiainto sales tableall fieldsall datafrom sales tableoriginal table + new India datadelete records withmatching value in "product" column update other field values in records where "column"matches "exclude"SELECT query toexclude rows with prod_4and include rows with GermanySELECT queryto exclude column "card"original data, no prod_4Write results of SQL query directly from databaseextract query fromrow filter +column filterno card,no prod_4from Row Filter andColumn Filterinject queryinto new DB connectionwrite output data table from KNIME into SQLite databaseno card, no prod_4SELECT * from sales SELECT query toexclude rows with "prod_4" and includerows with country = "Germany"match values in"exclude" columnSELECT queryno card, no prod_4generic connectorto SQLite DBKCBBookCopy.sqliteTable Creator SQLite Connector DB SQL Executor DB Table Selector DB Reader DB Delete (Table) DB Update DB Query DB Column Filter DB Reader DB ConnectionTable Writer DB Query Extractor DB Reader DB Query Injector DB Writer DB Reader DB Table Selector DB Row Filter ParameterizedDB Query Reader DB Query Reader DB Connector


