
Evaluate a RAG system

<p><strong>Evaluate a RAG system for medication prescriptions</strong></p><ul><li><p>This workflow tests and evaluates an RAG system that provides medication prescriptions to patients, based on their symptoms and diagnosed disease.</p><p></p></li><li><p>It features a test set generator that creates a test set of questions with varying complexity (e.g., simple, complex, distracting, situational and double types) to comprehensively test the RAG system's capabilities.</p><p></p></li><li><p>It features an evaluator that assesses the correctness of the RAG system's answers by comparing them to the reference answers contained in the automatically generated test set of questions. The main purpose of this evaluation is to help identify the weakest components in a RAG system.</p></li></ul>

URL: KNIME for Generative AI https://hub.knime.com/c/D4ckx2q_J5FPBQXu
URL: Giskard RAGET Testset Generation https://docs.giskard.ai/en/stable/open_source/testset_generation/testset_generation/index.html#raget-testset-generation
URL: Giskard RAGET Evaluation https://docs.giskard.ai/en/stable/open_source/testset_generation/rag_evaluation/index.html


