
Groupby - Basic Data Aggregations

Groupby - Basic Data Aggregations
GroupBy: Basic Data Aggregations Count vs. Unique CountThis workflow shows the difference in the number of male andfemale participants when aggreation is done using count vs.unique count. Percent vs. Percent (Unique Count)This workflow shows the difference in the percentage of male and female athleteswhen aggregation is done using percent vs. percent on unique count. RangeThis workflow shows athletes' careers longevity by computing year range participation in theOlympic Games. The minimum year range is arbitrarily set to 8, which equals toparticipation in at least 3 consecutive Olympic Games. SumAfter adding a fictitious "Medal Bonus" column, this workflow shows how wealthy athletes can get bysumming up medal bonus money for each won medal. It also shows how many medals and which typecontributed to build athletes’ wealth. Percent by sexGroup by sex,aggregage by ID(count vs. unique count)Plot sexcount vs unique countGroup by sex,aggregate by ID(percent,unique count)Plot percentsRound up valuesGroup by ID, nameaggregate by year (range)and games (unique concatenate)Filter by IDand GamesGroup by ID, nameaggregate by medal bonus (sum)and medal (unique concatenatewith count)Filter out if range < 8(2 consecutivesGames)Assign coloursto rangeAdding fictitiousmedal bonus columnFilter outmedal bonus=0Read OlympicsdatasetJoin percentsRecode F/ Mto Female/MaleRecode F/ Mto Female/Male Math Formula GroupBy Bar Chart GroupBy Bar Chart Math Formula GroupBy DuplicateRow Filter GroupBy Rule-basedRow Filter Display athletecarreer range Color Manager Rule Engine Row Filter Color Manager Displayathlete/prize money Excel Reader Joiner Rule Engine Rule Engine GroupBy: Basic Data Aggregations Count vs. Unique CountThis workflow shows the difference in the number of male andfemale participants when aggreation is done using count vs.unique count. Percent vs. Percent (Unique Count)This workflow shows the difference in the percentage of male and female athleteswhen aggregation is done using percent vs. percent on unique count. RangeThis workflow shows athletes' careers longevity by computing year range participation in theOlympic Games. The minimum year range is arbitrarily set to 8, which equals toparticipation in at least 3 consecutive Olympic Games. SumAfter adding a fictitious "Medal Bonus" column, this workflow shows how wealthy athletes can get bysumming up medal bonus money for each won medal. It also shows how many medals and which typecontributed to build athletes’ wealth. Percent by sexGroup by sex,aggregage by ID(count vs. unique count)Plot sexcount vs unique countGroup by sex,aggregate by ID(percent,unique count)Plot percentsRound up valuesGroup by ID, nameaggregate by year (range)and games (unique concatenate)Filter by IDand GamesGroup by ID, nameaggregate by medal bonus (sum)and medal (unique concatenatewith count)Filter out if range < 8(2 consecutivesGames)Assign coloursto rangeAdding fictitiousmedal bonus columnFilter outmedal bonus=0Read OlympicsdatasetJoin percentsRecode F/ Mto Female/MaleRecode F/ Mto Female/Male Math Formula GroupBy Bar Chart GroupBy Bar Chart Math Formula GroupBy DuplicateRow Filter GroupBy Rule-basedRow Filter Display athletecarreer range Color Manager Rule Engine Row Filter Color Manager Displayathlete/prize money Excel Reader Joiner Rule Engine Rule Engine


