

Line Plot Examples - Basic
Line Plot - Interactive controlsInteractive controls enabled:View edit - Title edit controls - Subtitle edit controls - Lable edit for y-axis - Lable edit for x-axis - Column chooser for y-axisOther selections - Mouse crosshair enabled - Zoom reset button enabled Line Plot - Standard settingsUses only default controls: - Selection enabled - Panning enabled - Mouse wheel zooming enabled Line Plot - Choose custom colors This workflow shows different options available for creating a Line Plot. The example data show the development of theavailabilty of vacation rentals over time for three different cities: Berlin, Brussels, and Washington D.C. Get column namesCreate columnwith columnnamesConfigure colorsfor each columnCustomcolorsStandard colors,controls not activeStandard colors,interactive controls ExtractColumn Header Transpose Color Manager Table Reader Line Plot Line Plot Line Plot Line Plot - Interactive controlsInteractive controls enabled:View edit - Title edit controls - Subtitle edit controls - Lable edit for y-axis - Lable edit for x-axis - Column chooser for y-axisOther selections - Mouse crosshair enabled - Zoom reset button enabled Line Plot - Standard settingsUses only default controls: - Selection enabled - Panning enabled - Mouse wheel zooming enabled Line Plot - Choose custom colors This workflow shows different options available for creating a Line Plot. The example data show the development of theavailabilty of vacation rentals over time for three different cities: Berlin, Brussels, and Washington D.C. Get column namesCreate columnwith columnnamesConfigure colorsfor each columnCustomcolorsStandard colors,controls not activeStandard colors,interactive controls ExtractColumn Header Transpose Color Manager Table Reader Line Plot Line Plot Line Plot


