
JKISeason2-20 rev 1


Used several components from https://hub.knime.com/-/spaces/-/latest/~zXa_WBQgRZz4nqq6/

Mean rating aand topic terms for each topic.
Percent of ratings for all data
Mean rating and topic terms for entire corpus.

Read Data Node 274Assessmodel fit (perplexity), in a wide range of topics (2 to 80).Identify elbow range in imageBased onElbowTermsbi-grams(tri-grams canbe added as well)Node 435Overal RatingsCountRatingMean Rating byTopicVisualize ElbowRenameColumnsSort TopicMeansSingle TopicRatingTermsNode 451RenameColumnsCount by RatingCreateTotals ColumnCalculate %Round %RenameCoulmnsTable Reader Preprocessing Counter Generation Optimal k in [2,80] Topic Extractor(Parallel LDA) GroupBy N-grams ConstantValue Column GroupBy GroupBy Joiner VisualizePerplexity Table Manipulator Sorter Topic Extractor(Parallel LDA) GroupBy GroupBy Joiner Table Manipulator Final Tables& Chart GroupBy Cross Joiner Math Formula Round Double Table Manipulator Read Data Node 274Assessmodel fit (perplexity), in a wide range of topics (2 to 80).Identify elbow range in imageBased onElbowTermsbi-grams(tri-grams canbe added as well)Node 435Overal RatingsCountRatingMean Rating byTopicVisualize ElbowRenameColumnsSort TopicMeansSingle TopicRatingTermsNode 451RenameColumnsCount by RatingCreateTotals ColumnCalculate %Round %RenameCoulmnsTable Reader Preprocessing Counter Generation Optimal k in [2,80] Topic Extractor(Parallel LDA) GroupBy N-grams ConstantValue Column GroupBy GroupBy Joiner VisualizePerplexity Table Manipulator Sorter Topic Extractor(Parallel LDA) GroupBy GroupBy Joiner Table Manipulator Final Tables& Chart GroupBy Cross Joiner Math Formula Round Double Table Manipulator


