

I added the error trapping to a workflow I developed in response to this post on the Forum:


The error I tested was incorrect data imported from a test Excel file.

To rerun:1. Reset Start Time node.2. In Excel Reader change to row from 9(successful) to 12 (failed) to test Try_Catch. Read 1stData TableExtract Day ofWeekRename Headers& Remove UnnecessaryColumnsRemove HeaderRowCreate Day ofWeek #sCreate DateDifferenceLimit DateDifferenceto +/-3Calculate PackingDateStartTimeEndTimeNode 15Node 16Node 17Node 18Extract WorkflowPropertiesCreate PropertiesTableCreate ErrorTableSelect DesiredPropertiesJoin PropertiesNode 25Select ErrorCategoriesJoin PropertiesNode 28Fill Missing ValuesNode 30Remove UnnecessaryRowAdd Start TimeCreate FinalTableWrite SuccessfulTabWrite FailedTabNode 39 Excel Reader Extract Date&TimeFields Table Manipulator String to Date&Time Row Filter Rule Engine Math Formula Rule Engine Date&Time Shift Create Date&TimeRange Create Date&TimeRange Try (Data Ports) Catch Errors(Data Ports) Empty Table Creator Joiner Extract ContextProperties Variable toTable Row Variable toTable Row Table Manipulator Joiner RowID Table Manipulator Joiner Concatenate Missing Value RowID Row Filter Joiner Table Manipulator Excel Writer Excel Writer Wait... To rerun:1. Reset Start Time node.2. In Excel Reader change to row from 9(successful) to 12 (failed) to test Try_Catch. Read 1stData TableExtract Day ofWeekRename Headers& Remove UnnecessaryColumnsRemove HeaderRowCreate Day ofWeek #sCreate DateDifferenceLimit DateDifferenceto +/-3Calculate PackingDateStartTimeEndTimeNode 15Node 16Node 17Node 18Extract WorkflowPropertiesCreate PropertiesTableCreate ErrorTableSelect DesiredPropertiesJoin PropertiesNode 25Select ErrorCategoriesJoin PropertiesNode 28Fill Missing ValuesNode 30Remove UnnecessaryRowAdd Start TimeCreate FinalTableWrite SuccessfulTabWrite FailedTabNode 39Excel Reader Extract Date&TimeFields Table Manipulator String to Date&Time Row Filter Rule Engine Math Formula Rule Engine Date&Time Shift Create Date&TimeRange Create Date&TimeRange Try (Data Ports) Catch Errors(Data Ports) Empty Table Creator Joiner Extract ContextProperties Variable toTable Row Variable toTable Row Table Manipulator Joiner RowID Table Manipulator Joiner Concatenate Missing Value RowID Row Filter Joiner Table Manipulator Excel Writer Excel Writer Wait...


