
2. data visualisation

Data Visualization Graphical PropertiesAssign colors for respectivevisualizations. Data ReadingRead the 'West_Nile_Virus.csv' data set file. Ithas following attributes:1.SEASON2. YEAR 3. WEEK 4. TEST ID5. BLOCK 6. TRAP 7. TRAP_TYPE 8. TEST DATE 9. NUMBER OF MOSQUITOES 10. RESULT 11. SPECIES 12. LATITUDE 13. LONGITUDE 14. LOCATION Data VisualizationThis workflow visualises the data thorugh chartsworkflows, etc.Task: Give Insights into the West Nile Virus Dataset. Reading West_Nile_Virus.csvResultnumber of test casesin each Trap TypeAn overview on theResults of the Test casesSpeciesPercentage of test cases performedon each Species of the MosquitoesNumber of Test Casesperformed indifferent Weeks.YearNumber of Test casesbased on the Speciesof the MosquitoesTotal number ofMosquites caughtBased on their Species File Reader Color Manager Pie/Donut Chart Bar Chart Color Manager Pie/Donut Chart Histogram Color Manager Bar Chart Pie/Donut Chart Data Visualization Graphical PropertiesAssign colors for respectivevisualizations. Data ReadingRead the 'West_Nile_Virus.csv' data set file. Ithas following attributes:1.SEASON2. YEAR 3. WEEK 4. TEST ID5. BLOCK 6. TRAP 7. TRAP_TYPE 8. TEST DATE 9. NUMBER OF MOSQUITOES 10. RESULT 11. SPECIES 12. LATITUDE 13. LONGITUDE 14. LOCATION Data VisualizationThis workflow visualises the data thorugh chartsworkflows, etc.Task: Give Insights into the West Nile Virus Dataset. Reading West_Nile_Virus.csvResultnumber of test casesin each Trap TypeAn overview on theResults of the Test casesSpeciesPercentage of test cases performedon each Species of the MosquitoesNumber of Test Casesperformed indifferent Weeks.YearNumber of Test casesbased on the Speciesof the MosquitoesTotal number ofMosquites caughtBased on their Species File Reader Color Manager Pie/Donut Chart Bar Chart Color Manager Pie/Donut Chart Histogram Color Manager Bar Chart Pie/Donut Chart


