
04 Numbers Strings and Rules

Exercise for data transformation.

Perform data manipulation operations with the Rule Engine, Math Formula, String Manipulation, and Column Expressions nodes.

Exercise: Numbers, Strings, and Rules1.1) Read the airlines data by executing the CSV Reader node below1.2) Change Name to all upper case.1.3) Replace country of "United States" with "USA"1.4) Complete the tasks above with the Column Expressions node2.1) Read the airports data by executing CSV Reader node below2.2) Calculate the mean of the Altitudes2.3) Convert the absolute altitude change values into percentages: divide them by the altitude mean values and multiply the result by100.2.4) Create a categorical column of North American timezones airlines.csv Upper case Namereplace United States w/ USAsame tasks as abovecalculate the meanof altitudealtitude over the meandetermine North Americantimezonesairports.csvCSV Reader String Manipulation String Manipulation MISSING ColumnExpressions Math Formula Math Formula Rule Engine CSV Reader Exercise: Numbers, Strings, and Rules1.1) Read the airlines data by executing the CSV Reader node below1.2) Change Name to all upper case.1.3) Replace country of "United States" with "USA"1.4) Complete the tasks above with the Column Expressions node2.1) Read the airports data by executing CSV Reader node below2.2) Calculate the mean of the Altitudes2.3) Convert the absolute altitude change values into percentages: divide them by the altitude mean values and multiply the result by100.2.4) Create a categorical column of North American timezones airlines.csv Upper case Namereplace United States w/ USAsame tasks as abovecalculate the meanof altitudealtitude over the meandetermine North Americantimezonesairports.csvCSV Reader String Manipulation String Manipulation MISSING ColumnExpressions Math Formula Math Formula Rule Engine CSV Reader


