
20221008 Pikairos Change ONLY first occurrence of specific string in a column

20221007 Pikairos Replace ONLY first occurrence of a word in a specific string in a column
DataReplace libraryCross Join Both Tablesto have all possible CombinationsDo the SentenceReplacementRemoveDuplicated Rowswhere Initial Sentencewas previously ReplacedKeep trackor Row Orderfor later SortingSplit based onwhether there wasa replacement or notKeep Only FirstUnique InstancePut back Rowsin their Initial OrderKeep onlyFirst ReplacementTable Creator Table Creator Cross Joiner String Manipulation DuplicateRow Filter Math Formula Rule-basedRow Splitter DuplicateRow Filter Concatenate Sorter DuplicateRow Filter DataReplace libraryCross Join Both Tablesto have all possible CombinationsDo the SentenceReplacementRemoveDuplicated Rowswhere Initial Sentencewas previously ReplacedKeep trackor Row Orderfor later SortingSplit based onwhether there wasa replacement or notKeep Only FirstUnique InstancePut back Rowsin their Initial OrderKeep onlyFirst ReplacementTable Creator Table Creator Cross Joiner String Manipulation DuplicateRow Filter Math Formula Rule-basedRow Splitter DuplicateRow Filter Concatenate Sorter DuplicateRow Filter


