
01. Importing Data - solution

Importing Data - Solution
Activity: Importing DataImport data from: - Sentiment Analysis.table - Sentiment Rating.csv - Product Data2.xls (hint: Drag and drop files from the KNIME Explorer panel)Optional: Read web_activity table from the database WebActivity.sqlite WebActivity.sqliteWebActivity Sentiment Rating+Sentiment DescriptionRead Product Data2.xlsSentiment Evaluation from KNIMESQLite Connector DB Reader DB Table Selector CSV Reader Excel Reader Table Reader Activity: Importing DataImport data from: - Sentiment Analysis.table - Sentiment Rating.csv - Product Data2.xls (hint: Drag and drop files from the KNIME Explorer panel)Optional: Read web_activity table from the database WebActivity.sqlite WebActivity.sqliteWebActivity Sentiment Rating+Sentiment DescriptionRead Product Data2.xlsSentiment Evaluation from KNIMESQLite Connector DB Reader DB Table Selector CSV Reader Excel Reader Table Reader


