
06 Data Export and Reporting

Task 1: Write Data to a File Task 2: Reporting WA_Fn-UseC_-Telco-Customer-Churn.csvTotal number of rows and avg total charges by gender CSV FileSort the pivoted tableby InternetServiceAssign colors togender A bar chart of countsof different Internet service providers by genderRename missingInternetService as "Unknown" Create a pivot table, byInternetService, that counts the monthly chargesfor each gender CSV Reader GroupBy CSV Writer Sorter Color Manager Bar Chart ExtractColumn Header Transpose Rule Engine Pivoting Data to Report Image to Report Task 1: Write Data to a File Task 2: Reporting WA_Fn-UseC_-Telco-Customer-Churn.csvTotal number of rows and avg total charges by gender CSV FileSort the pivoted tableby InternetServiceAssign colors togender A bar chart of countsof different Internet service providers by genderRename missingInternetService as "Unknown" Create a pivot table, byInternetService, that counts the monthly chargesfor each gender CSV Reader GroupBy CSV Writer Sorter Color Manager Bar Chart ExtractColumn Header Transpose Rule Engine Pivoting Data to Report Image to Report


