

Amount of rows reduced by 3 For inconsistent string data import .csvremovedid attributeverify missingvaluesupdatedstring attributesoriginalstatisticsNode 7Node 8veryfingmissing valuenoderemoveredundant rowsNode 11Node 12Node 13Node 14Node 15veryfingmissing valuenodeNode 17Node 18Node 19Node 20 CSV Reader Column Filter Missing Value Number To String Statistics Box Plot Math Formula Statistics DuplicateRow Filter Table Creator Cell Replacer Numeric Outliers Box Plot Rule Engine Statistics Math Formula Statistics One to Many Numeric Binner Amount of rows reduced by 3 For inconsistent string data import .csvremovedid attributeverify missingvaluesupdatedstring attributesoriginalstatisticsNode 7Node 8veryfingmissing valuenoderemoveredundant rowsNode 11Node 12Node 13Node 14Node 15veryfingmissing valuenodeNode 17Node 18Node 19Node 20CSV Reader Column Filter Missing Value Number To String Statistics Box Plot Math Formula Statistics DuplicateRow Filter Table Creator Cell Replacer Numeric Outliers Box Plot Rule Engine Statistics Math Formula Statistics One to Many Numeric Binner


