Plate map randomiser (Component - widget)

This a component to generate a table of compounds, controls and DMSO wells randomised in a microplate. Formats of 96, 384, and 1536 wells are supported in this component.

User inputs required:
a) Number of copies of randomised plates
b) Number of unique samples to be randomised
c) Number of replicates of unique samples
d) Number of unique 100%-effect compounds (known as HPE, or 'positive control') in a plate
e) Number of replicates of unique HPEs in a plate
f) Number of unique 0%-effect compounds (known as ZPE, or 'negative control') in a plate
g) Number of replicates of unique ZPEs in a plate
h) Plate format (6, 24, 96, 384 and 1536-well plate)
i) The option for well positions to be sortable (i.e. A01 instead of A1)

The number of unique samples can be greater than the limit of the plate format, which then leads to generation of multiple plates per randomisation copy.

For ease of dispensing, replicates of a unique sample will be placed in the same plate in each randomisation copy, with the randomisation occuring at the destination well of the plate.

Wells which are not filled with any of the samples or controls will be labelled as DMSO.

The output of the component is a table of compounds and controls randomised in a plate. The user is then able to use this table to perform downstream work e.g. linking randomised wells to the list of library compounds of interest.

This component has been updated to include mostly KNIME-based nodes, including a local component Plate Well Position Creator node too.

Input Ports

This node has no input ports

Output Ports

Table of compounds, DMSO and controls in randomized well.


