


Creates a batch of pick lists suitable for Echo acoustic dispenser from an Excel input of compounds from 384/1536 well source plate.

Users can configure the number of compounds per destination plate and number of plates per batch run to determine the size of the output pick lists.

STEP 1: Upload CompoundLibrary here Pick list generatorStep 1: Upload compound library fileStep 2: Configure library plate and batch assignerStep 3: Set the destination folderStep 4: Execute the final node STEP 3:Set the destination folder in thisnode- click Browse on Folder, selectfolder of choice STEP 4:Execute this node to start STEP 2:1) Right click node -> clickConfigure2) Select:Columns for plate ID, plate wells,and compound name. Number of compounds per plateand Number of plates per batch3) Source compounds can besorted either by row (default) oby column4) Click OK/Apply Groups by batch countCreate the file path using the file name which is based on the batch countFilters batch count, one count at a time, for loop processingExports the file in csv formatExtracts Soure plate barcode, Source well and Sample ID to generate the pick listStarts the loopCreates a FileName by concatenating batch count with a string textConverts the batch count into string for string manipulationCloses the loop for the creation of multiple CSV pick list filesResorts the columns appropriate for EchoExcel list for library compounds GroupBy Create File/FolderVariables Row Filter CSV Writer Column Filter Table Row ToVariable Loop Start String Manipulation Number To String Variable Loop End Column Resorter Library plate andbatch assigner Excel Reader STEP 1: Upload CompoundLibrary here Pick list generatorStep 1: Upload compound library fileStep 2: Configure library plate and batch assignerStep 3: Set the destination folderStep 4: Execute the final node STEP 3:Set the destination folder in thisnode- click Browse on Folder, selectfolder of choice STEP 4:Execute this node to start STEP 2:1) Right click node -> clickConfigure2) Select:Columns for plate ID, plate wells,and compound name. Number of compounds per plateand Number of plates per batch3) Source compounds can besorted either by row (default) oby column4) Click OK/Apply Groups by batch countCreate the file path using the file name which is based on the batch countFilters batch count, one count at a time, for loop processingExports the file in csv formatExtracts Soure plate barcode, Source well and Sample ID to generate the pick listStarts the loopCreates a FileName by concatenating batch count with a string textConverts the batch count into string for string manipulationCloses the loop for the creation of multiple CSV pick list filesResorts the columns appropriate for EchoExcel list for library compounds GroupBy Create File/FolderVariables Row Filter CSV Writer Column Filter Table Row ToVariable Loop Start String Manipulation Number To String Variable Loop End Column Resorter Library plate andbatch assigner Excel Reader


