
Basic Onkopus Variant Interpretation

Use Case 1: Functional variant interpretationCreate a variant interpretation workflow by adding a reader node and the corresponding '_to_Bframe' node, followed by one or multiple annotation modules. Finally, add one or more writers to write the annotated variant data to files. Onkopus Variant InterpretationCreate custom annotation pipelines for variant files. VCF-ReaderPopulationfrequencyPathogenicityscoresLiftOver(GRCh37 to GRCh38)VCF_to_BFrame(GRCh37)ProteinBFrameto_AVFAVF-WriterVariantsBFrameto_VCFCSV-WriterVariantsEnvironmentSetupFile Reader Python Script Python Script Python Script Python Script Python Script Python Script CSV Writer Python Script CSV Writer Conda EnvironmentPropagation Use Case 1: Functional variant interpretationCreate a variant interpretation workflow by adding a reader node and the corresponding '_to_Bframe' node, followed by one or multiple annotation modules. Finally, add one or more writers to write the annotated variant data to files. Onkopus Variant InterpretationCreate custom annotation pipelines for variant files. VCF-ReaderPopulationfrequencyPathogenicityscoresLiftOver(GRCh37 to GRCh38)VCF_to_BFrame(GRCh37)ProteinBFrameto_AVFAVF-WriterVariantsBFrameto_VCFCSV-WriterVariantsEnvironmentSetupFile Reader Python Script Python Script Python Script Python Script Python Script Python Script CSV Writer Python Script CSV Writer Conda EnvironmentPropagation


