
Analysing Sentiment with VADER and AFINN

data into words VADER Deploying and Visualizing a Lexicon-based Predictor Counting Numbers of Positive and Negative Words Deploying and Visualizing a Lexicon-based Predictor Joining the resultsCreate table with 7 columns: tweet text, VADER score, AFINN score, VADER positive tags, VADER negative tags, AFINN positive tags, and AFINN negative tags. AFINN Counting Numbers of Positive and Negative Words Node 18Node 20Node 21Node 29vader positiveVADER positiveVader positiveNode 107vader negativeVADER negativeNode 111AFINN positiveAFINN NegativeAFINN negativeAFINN Node 137AFINN positiveNode 141frequency of each tagged word in each tweet extract thesentiment of the wordscalculate frequenciesset value for neurtal tweetsSentiment scoreperdict positive or negativeextract thesentiment of the wordsfrequency of each tagged word in each tweet set value for neurtal tweetscalculate frequenciesperdict positive or negativeSentiment scoreNode 930Node 931Node 932Node 933Node 942reorder the columns Node 945Node 946Node 947Node 948Node 949VADERNode 951AFINNNode 953Node 954Node 955Node 957Node 958Node 959 CSV Reader RowID Strings To Document Document Viewer Excel Reader Dictionary Tagger Tag Filter Bag Of WordsCreator Excel Reader Dictionary Tagger Tagged DocumentViewer Excel Reader Excel Reader Dictionary Tagger Tag Filter Bag Of WordsCreator Dictionary Tagger Tagged DocumentViewer TF Tags To String Pivoting Missing Value Math Formula Rule Engine Tags To String TF Missing Value Pivoting Rule Engine Math Formula Table Manipulator Table Manipulator Table Manipulator Sorter Joiner Rule Engine Table Manipulator Table Manipulator Table Manipulator Rule-basedRow Filter Table Manipulator Tagged DocumentViewer Joiner Tagged DocumentViewer Joiner Table Manipulator Table Manipulator CSV Writer CSV Writer CSV Writer data into words VADER Deploying and Visualizing a Lexicon-based Predictor Counting Numbers of Positive and Negative Words Deploying and Visualizing a Lexicon-based Predictor Joining the resultsCreate table with 7 columns: tweet text, VADER score, AFINN score, VADER positive tags, VADER negative tags, AFINN positive tags, and AFINN negative tags. AFINN Counting Numbers of Positive and Negative Words Node 18Node 20Node 21Node 29vader positiveVADER positiveVader positiveNode 107vader negativeVADER negativeNode 111AFINN positiveAFINN NegativeAFINN negativeAFINN Node 137AFINN positiveNode 141frequency of each tagged word in each tweet extract thesentiment of the wordscalculate frequenciesset value for neurtal tweetsSentiment scoreperdict positive or negativeextract thesentiment of the wordsfrequency of each tagged word in each tweet set value for neurtal tweetscalculate frequenciesperdict positive or negativeSentiment scoreNode 930Node 931Node 932Node 933Node 942reorder the columns Node 945Node 946Node 947Node 948Node 949VADERNode 951AFINNNode 953Node 954Node 955Node 957Node 958Node 959CSV Reader RowID Strings To Document Document Viewer Excel Reader Dictionary Tagger Tag Filter Bag Of WordsCreator Excel Reader Dictionary Tagger Tagged DocumentViewer Excel Reader Excel Reader Dictionary Tagger Tag Filter Bag Of WordsCreator Dictionary Tagger Tagged DocumentViewer TF Tags To String Pivoting Missing Value Math Formula Rule Engine Tags To String TF Missing Value Pivoting Rule Engine Math Formula Table Manipulator Table Manipulator Table Manipulator Sorter Joiner Rule Engine Table Manipulator Table Manipulator Table Manipulator Rule-basedRow Filter Table Manipulator Tagged DocumentViewer Joiner Tagged DocumentViewer Joiner Table Manipulator Table Manipulator CSV Writer CSV Writer CSV Writer


