
09 Metanodes

09 Metanodes
Exercise: MetanodesBelow you see a workflow that performs a number of different data wrangling tasks. Actually, youcompleted them yourself earlier in the course! Structure the workflow by metanodes so that each orangeannotation and the nodes inside it make one metanode. The nodes that are not inside any annotationcan be left as they are. Population Life Expectancy Travel Advisories Database Data Manipulation Demographics.sqliteReplace :by -Extract numericrisk level into a separate columnConvert change topercentageAdd Direction columnbased on +/- changeCreate ChangecolumnAccessed columnto Date&TimeManual manipulationCount of rowsgeo_coordinates.tabletravel_advidories.csvFilter rows where max LE> 80Inner join on country nameInner join on country nameCounts by risk levelsdemographics.xlsx(population)demographics.xlsx(life_expectancy)Inner join on country nameonly yearInner join on country nameInner join on country namegeo_coordinates.tableInner join on country name SQLite Connector String Manipulation String Manipulation Math Formula Rule Engine Math Formula String to Date&Time Table Editor DB Writer DB Table Selector DB GroupBy Table Reader CSV Reader DB Row Filter Joiner Joiner Population data DB GroupBy Excel Reader Excel Reader Joiner Extract Date&TimeFields Joiner Joiner Database datamanipulation Table Reader Traveladvisories data LE data Joiner Exercise: MetanodesBelow you see a workflow that performs a number of different data wrangling tasks. Actually, youcompleted them yourself earlier in the course! Structure the workflow by metanodes so that each orangeannotation and the nodes inside it make one metanode. The nodes that are not inside any annotationcan be left as they are. Population Life Expectancy Travel Advisories Database Data Manipulation Demographics.sqliteReplace :by -Extract numericrisk level into a separate columnConvert change topercentageAdd Direction columnbased on +/- changeCreate ChangecolumnAccessed columnto Date&TimeManual manipulationCount of rowsgeo_coordinates.tabletravel_advidories.csvFilter rows where max LE> 80Inner join on country nameInner join on country nameCounts by risk levelsdemographics.xlsx(population)demographics.xlsx(life_expectancy)Inner join on country nameonly yearInner join on country nameInner join on country namegeo_coordinates.tableInner join on country nameSQLite Connector String Manipulation String Manipulation Math Formula Rule Engine Math Formula String to Date&Time Table Editor DB Writer DB Table Selector DB GroupBy Table Reader CSV Reader DB Row Filter Joiner Joiner Population data DB GroupBy Excel Reader Excel Reader Joiner Extract Date&TimeFields Joiner Joiner Database datamanipulation Table Reader Traveladvisories data LE data Joiner


