

"The beautiful (Violin-)Plot that has it all" - with KNIME and R ggplot2
data contains a categorial column(HOST_NAME) and a value column(CPU_AVG) to be plotted "The beautiful (Violin-)Plot that has it all" - with KNIME and R ggplot2(https://forum.knime.com/t/knime-and-r-ggplot2-the-beautiful-violin-plot-that-has-it-all/38224)Code violinplot/boxplot by m_lauber, wrapper and component concept by M. Schmid which allows users that are unfamiliar with R syntax to produce nice boxplots. ----> Prerequisite: R ggplot2 package needs to be availabe in the local R installation, follow the (official) guide: https://docs.knime.com/latest/r_installation_guide/index.html#_introductionThe wrapped metanode may be placed on a KNIME server (if available) as shared template to be used by multiple users. configuration of categorial/value columns and othersettings are available in the node settings /data/R_the_violinplot_that_has_it_all_202112.pdf - detailed explanation of the violin plot and the statistics/data/kn_example_r_violinplot_ggplot2.R - the R code You can use the Conda Environment Propagation to manage your R version via Minicondahttps://kni.me/w/119aEydIH0oCdht8Meta Collection about KNIME and Python (to see how to set up a Miniconda environment)https://hub.knime.com/mlauber71/spaces/Public/latest/_knime_and_python_meta_collection~AvjrddXKOIoZYLV3 Conditional Violinplotin Reliminateduplicate measurements(not really necessary :-))Read Data/data/cpudata.table2.560x1.440PNG filePropagate R environmentfor KNIME on Windows withMinicondaconfigure how to handle the environmentdefault = just check the names/data/violinplot.pngPropagate R environmentfor KNIME on MacOS withMinicondaconfigure how to handle the environmentdefault = just check the names R-Conditional-Violinplot GroupBy Table Reader Image To Table Renderer to Image Table To Image knime_r_environment_windows Image Writer (Port) knime_r_environment data contains a categorial column(HOST_NAME) and a value column(CPU_AVG) to be plotted "The beautiful (Violin-)Plot that has it all" - with KNIME and R ggplot2(https://forum.knime.com/t/knime-and-r-ggplot2-the-beautiful-violin-plot-that-has-it-all/38224)Code violinplot/boxplot by m_lauber, wrapper and component concept by M. Schmid which allows users that are unfamiliar with R syntax to produce nice boxplots. ----> Prerequisite: R ggplot2 package needs to be availabe in the local R installation, follow the (official) guide: https://docs.knime.com/latest/r_installation_guide/index.html#_introductionThe wrapped metanode may be placed on a KNIME server (if available) as shared template to be used by multiple users. configuration of categorial/value columns and othersettings are available in the node settings /data/R_the_violinplot_that_has_it_all_202112.pdf - detailed explanation of the violin plot and the statistics/data/kn_example_r_violinplot_ggplot2.R - the R code You can use the Conda Environment Propagation to manage your R version via Minicondahttps://kni.me/w/119aEydIH0oCdht8Meta Collection about KNIME and Python (to see how to set up a Miniconda environment)https://hub.knime.com/mlauber71/spaces/Public/latest/_knime_and_python_meta_collection~AvjrddXKOIoZYLV3 Conditional Violinplotin Reliminateduplicate measurements(not really necessary :-))Read Data/data/cpudata.table2.560x1.440PNG filePropagate R environmentfor KNIME on Windows withMinicondaconfigure how to handle the environmentdefault = just check the names/data/violinplot.pngPropagate R environmentfor KNIME on MacOS withMinicondaconfigure how to handle the environmentdefault = just check the names R-Conditional-Violinplot GroupBy Table Reader Image To Table Renderer to Image Table To Image knime_r_environment_windows Image Writer (Port) knime_r_environment


