

Extract the current standard Python YAML / YML files curated by KNIME from the installation folder

Extract the current standard Python YAML / YML files curated by KNIME from the installation folder

KNIME and Python — Setting up and managing Conda environments

The YAML / YML files can then be found here. You might use them to curate your own Python environment

also there is a file /data/kaggle.yml which creates the "kaggle" environment that I widely use to demonstrate KNIME and Python tasks

You could / and should use that file to keep your environment up to date

conda env create -f="/Users/m_lauber/Dropbox/knime-workspace/hub/kn_example_python_yaml_files_conda/data/kaggle.yml"

conda env update -n kaggle --file="/Users/m_lauber/Dropbox/knime-workspace/hub/kn_example_python_yaml_files_conda/data/kaggle.yml"

Extract the current standard Python YAML / YML files curated by KNIME from the installation folderKNIME and Python — Setting up and managing Conda environmentshttps://medium.com/p/2ac217792539The YAML / YML files can then be found here. You might use them to curate your own Python environment/data/macos//data/windows//data/linux/also there is a file /data/kaggle.yml which creates the "kaggle" environment that I widely use to demonstrate KNIME and Python tasksYou could / and should use that file to keep your environment up to dateconda env create -f="/Users/m_lauber/Dropbox/knime-workspace/hub/kn_example_python_yaml_files_conda/data/kaggle.yml"conda env update -n kaggle --file="/Users/m_lauber/Dropbox/knime-workspace/hub/kn_example_python_yaml_files_conda/data/kaggle.yml" # provide a software like h2o with a java path using KNIME's own java version# variable java.home from KNIME# KNIME Snippets (2): Unearthing Hidden Node Gems — Managing Missing Values, Row Numbers and some Quick Java and Paths# https://medium.com/p/3c3c7acb019fimport os;os.environ["JAVA_HOME"] = "C:\\Users\\x123456789\\software\\knime_4.6.1\\plugins\\org.knime.binary.jre.win32.x86_64_17.0.3.20220621\\jre"# os.environ["JAVA_HOME"] = "/Applications/KNIME 4.6.0.app/Contents/Eclipse/plugins/org.knime.binary.jre.macosx.x86_64_17.0.3.20220429/jre/Contents/Home"print("setenv JAVA_HOME", os.environ["JAVA_HOME"]) osgi.syspath=> find where theKNIME installtion is locatedon Windows or MacOSXalso java.home$$ROWID$$ = "eclipse.home.location" => TRUE*envconfigs*list folders that wouldcomntain this termFolder_STARTloop thru folders to findYML filesSTOP$Location$ LIKE "*test*" => FALSE=> exclude foldersthat seem to holdtest versions of YML filesFolder_exclude thetest filesexcludedupliacteslinux_folder_pathlinux*macos* => topwndows => bottomlinuxmacos macos_folder_pathwindowswindows_folder_pathflow_variables['var_py_version_pandas'] = pd.__version__flow_variables['var_py_version_numpy'] = np.__version__flow_variables['var_py_version'] = sys.version_infoflow_variables['var_sys_path'] = sys.pathpy39_knimeusing py39_knimeenvironment via Flow Variable"conda.environment"Propagate Python environmentfor KNIME on MacOSX withMiniforge / Minicondaconfigure how to handle the environmentdefault = just check the namesPropagate Python environmentfor KNIME on MacOSX (Apple Scilicon)OR Windowswith Miniforge / Minicondaconfigure how to handle the environmentdefault = just check the namesExtract SystemProperties Rule-basedRow Filter Table Rowto Variable String to Path(Variable) List Files/Folders Path to String Column Rename List Files/Folders Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Loop End Rule-basedRow Splitter Column Rename URL to File Path Path to URI ReferenceRow Filter DuplicateRow Filter Create Folder Row Splitter (Labs) Row Splitter (Labs) Transfer Files(Table) Transfer Files(Table) Create Folder Transfer Files(Table) Create Folder Python EditVariable (legacy) Conda EnvironmentPropagation Python Script conda_environment_kaggle_macosx conda_environment_kaggle_knime4 Extract the current standard Python YAML / YML files curated by KNIME from the installation folderKNIME and Python — Setting up and managing Conda environmentshttps://medium.com/p/2ac217792539The YAML / YML files can then be found here. You might use them to curate your own Python environment/data/macos//data/windows//data/linux/also there is a file /data/kaggle.yml which creates the "kaggle" environment that I widely use to demonstrate KNIME and Python tasksYou could / and should use that file to keep your environment up to dateconda env create -f="/Users/m_lauber/Dropbox/knime-workspace/hub/kn_example_python_yaml_files_conda/data/kaggle.yml"conda env update -n kaggle --file="/Users/m_lauber/Dropbox/knime-workspace/hub/kn_example_python_yaml_files_conda/data/kaggle.yml" # provide a software like h2o with a java path using KNIME's own java version# variable java.home from KNIME# KNIME Snippets (2): Unearthing Hidden Node Gems — Managing Missing Values, Row Numbers and some Quick Java and Paths# https://medium.com/p/3c3c7acb019fimport os;os.environ["JAVA_HOME"] = "C:\\Users\\x123456789\\software\\knime_4.6.1\\plugins\\org.knime.binary.jre.win32.x86_64_17.0.3.20220621\\jre"# os.environ["JAVA_HOME"] = "/Applications/KNIME 4.6.0.app/Contents/Eclipse/plugins/org.knime.binary.jre.macosx.x86_64_17.0.3.20220429/jre/Contents/Home"print("setenv JAVA_HOME", os.environ["JAVA_HOME"]) osgi.syspath=> find where theKNIME installtion is locatedon Windows or MacOSXalso java.home$$ROWID$$ = "eclipse.home.location" => TRUE*envconfigs*list folders that wouldcomntain this termFolder_STARTloop thru folders to findYML filesSTOP$Location$ LIKE "*test*" => FALSE=> exclude foldersthat seem to holdtest versions of YML filesFolder_exclude thetest filesexcludedupliacteslinux_folder_pathlinux*macos* => topwndows => bottomlinuxmacos macos_folder_pathwindowswindows_folder_pathflow_variables['var_py_version_pandas'] = pd.__version__flow_variables['var_py_version_numpy'] = np.__version__flow_variables['var_py_version'] = sys.version_infoflow_variables['var_sys_path'] = sys.pathpy39_knimeusing py39_knimeenvironment via Flow Variable"conda.environment"Propagate Python environmentfor KNIME on MacOSX withMiniforge / Minicondaconfigure how to handle the environmentdefault = just check the namesPropagate Python environmentfor KNIME on MacOSX (Apple Scilicon)OR Windowswith Miniforge / Minicondaconfigure how to handle the environmentdefault = just check the namesExtract SystemProperties Rule-basedRow Filter Table Rowto Variable String to Path(Variable) List Files/Folders Path to String Column Rename List Files/Folders Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Loop End Rule-basedRow Splitter Column Rename URL to File Path Path to URI ReferenceRow Filter DuplicateRow Filter Create Folder Row Splitter (Labs) Row Splitter (Labs) Transfer Files(Table) Transfer Files(Table) Create Folder Transfer Files(Table) Create Folder Python EditVariable (legacy) Conda EnvironmentPropagation Python Script conda_environment_kaggle_macosx conda_environment_kaggle_knime4


