

Small Demo - how to create a HL7 (v2) message in a KNIME loop

Small Demo - how to create a HL7 (v2) message in a KNIME loop

Small Demo - how to create a HL7 (v2) message in a KNIME loophttps://forum.knime.com/t/hl7-output/24709/2?u=mlauber71 knime://knime.workflow/input/hl7_input.txtSTARTselect current patientrowcreate the messagejoin($$ROWID$$, "|", $patient_info$)create file namewrite messageto /output/ folderENDLooprename current rowto patient_infowith Flow Variable File Reader Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Transpose Rule-basedRow Filter String Manipulation Java EditVariable (simple) CSV Writer Variable Loop End Column Rename Small Demo - how to create a HL7 (v2) message in a KNIME loophttps://forum.knime.com/t/hl7-output/24709/2?u=mlauber71 knime://knime.workflow/input/hl7_input.txtSTARTselect current patientrowcreate the messagejoin($$ROWID$$, "|", $patient_info$)create file namewrite messageto /output/ folderENDLooprename current rowto patient_infowith Flow VariableFile Reader Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Transpose Rule-basedRow Filter String Manipulation Java EditVariable (simple) CSV Writer Variable Loop End Column Rename


