

use H2 to produce a Position / Rank number within a group variable (window functions)

use H2 to produce a Position / Rank number within a group variable (window functions)

use custom JDBC driver - THX tobias.koetter for the hint

use H2 to produce a Position / Rank number within a group variable (window functions)use custom JDBC driver - THX tobias.koetter for the hinthttps://forum.knime.com/t/sqlite-and-window-functions/31608/4?u=mlauber71 SELECT "t2"."GroupID" , "t2"."Previous", "t2"."Next", "t2"."Id", "t2"."Position" FROM-- start t2( SELECT * , RANK() OVER (-- set which column should be the one within to calculate the rank / position PARTITION BY "t1"."GroupID"-- set rules which how tto sort the data within the group ID / partition-- NULLS could be counted LAST or FIRST ORDER BY "t1"."Previous" ASC NULLS FIRST , "t1"."Id" ASC NULLS FIRST , "t1"."Next" ASC NULLS FIRST ) AS "Position"FROM #table# AS "t1") "t2"-- end t2ORDER BY "t2"."Position" , "t2"."Id" , "t2"."Next" , "t2"."Previous" http://www.h2database.com/html/changelog.htmlhttps://stackoverflow.com/questions/32360807/row-number-over-with-order-by-in-h2As of V1.4.198, support for ROW_NUMBER (and some other window functions) was added(see H2 Changelog), so now your query should work as expected. https://www.stichlberger.com/software/get-h2-database-version-string/SELECT H2VERSION() FROM DUAL alternative: SQL Executor withDROP TABLE IF EXISTS default.data_all;the Query that produces thePosition grouped by IDresultcustomdriverdata_alldata_allh2_version1.4.1961.4.2002.1.212data_source.xlsx/data/data_result.xlsxdata_all DB Table Remover DB Query DB Reader H2 Connector DB Loader DB Table Selector DB Query Reader Excel Reader Excel Writer DB Table Creator use H2 to produce a Position / Rank number within a group variable (window functions)use custom JDBC driver - THX tobias.koetter for the hinthttps://forum.knime.com/t/sqlite-and-window-functions/31608/4?u=mlauber71 SELECT "t2"."GroupID" , "t2"."Previous", "t2"."Next", "t2"."Id", "t2"."Position" FROM-- start t2( SELECT * , RANK() OVER (-- set which column should be the one within to calculate the rank / position PARTITION BY "t1"."GroupID"-- set rules which how tto sort the data within the group ID / partition-- NULLS could be counted LAST or FIRST ORDER BY "t1"."Previous" ASC NULLS FIRST , "t1"."Id" ASC NULLS FIRST , "t1"."Next" ASC NULLS FIRST ) AS "Position"FROM #table# AS "t1") "t2"-- end t2ORDER BY "t2"."Position" , "t2"."Id" , "t2"."Next" , "t2"."Previous" http://www.h2database.com/html/changelog.htmlhttps://stackoverflow.com/questions/32360807/row-number-over-with-order-by-in-h2As of V1.4.198, support for ROW_NUMBER (and some other window functions) was added(see H2 Changelog), so now your query should work as expected. https://www.stichlberger.com/software/get-h2-database-version-string/SELECT H2VERSION() FROM DUAL alternative: SQL Executor withDROP TABLE IF EXISTS default.data_all;the Query that produces thePosition grouped by IDresultcustomdriverdata_alldata_allh2_version1.4.1961.4.2002.1.212data_source.xlsx/data/data_result.xlsxdata_allDB Table Remover DB Query DB Reader H2 Connector DB Loader DB Table Selector DB Query Reader Excel Reader Excel Writer DB Table Creator


