
R Graphics - The beautiful (Violin-)Plot that has it all - with KNIME and R ggplot2

"The beautiful (Violin-)Plot that has it all" - with KNIME and R ggplot2

Code violinplot/boxplot by m_lauber, wrapper and component concept by M. Schmid which allows users that are unfamiliar with R syntax to produce nice boxplots.

----> Prerequisite: R ggplot2 package needs to be availabe in the local R installation, follow the (official) guide: https://docs.knime.com/latest/r_installation_guide/index.html#_introduction

The wrapped metanode may be placed on a KNIME server (if available) as shared template to be used by multiple users.

URL: Notched Box Plots https://sites.google.com/site/davidsstatistics/davids-statistics/notched-box-plots
URL: r ggplot2 - Violin plot https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org/reference/geom_violin.html
URL: A meta collection and article about R and KNIME https://hub.knime.com/mlauber71/spaces/Public/latest/_r_installation_on_knime_collection~tj5tS_6gYvqOSPlk
URL: (official) KNIME Interactive R Statistics Integration Installation Guide https://docs.knime.com/latest/r_installation_guide/index.html#_introduction
URL: Public hub with more R examples, look for "kn_example_r_<...>" https://hub.knime.com/mlauber71/spaces/Public/latest/~sl4rYEzjFPm7a99a/
URL: use of fun.data functions on Aesthetics https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org/reference/stat_summary.html
URL: very basic R nodes in KNIME - knime.in, knime.out and handle Flow Variables https://hub.knime.com/mlauber71/spaces/Public/latest/kn_example_r_basic_knime_in_out_flow_variable~119aEydIH0oCdht8
URL: KNIME and R ggplot2 – „the beautiful Violin Plot that has it all“ https://forum.knime.com/t/knime-and-r-ggplot2-the-beautiful-violin-plot-that-has-it-all/38224
URL: Hub: more R Graphics with KNIME https://hub.knime.com/search?type=Workflow&tag=r,graphic&sort=best
URL: Medium Blog: “The beautiful Violin Plot that has it all” — Create Graphics with R and KNIME Components https://medium.com/p/b45464428d19
URL: Medium Blog: Exploring the Power of R Graphics with KNIME: A Collection of Examples https://medium.com/p/9241e033e4ac


