

Python script to convert CIELAB color parameters to hexadecimal color codes in KNIME

Python script to convert CIELAB color parameters to hexadecimal color codes in KNIME

import knime.scripting.io as kniodf = knio.input_tables[0].to_pandas()import pandas as pdfrom colormath.color_objects import LabColor, sRGBColorfrom colormath.color_conversions import convert_color# Define a function to convert CIELAB parameters to hexadecimal codedef convert_to_hex(row): lab = LabColor(row['l'], row['a'], row['b']) rgb = convert_color(lab, sRGBColor) return rgb.get_rgb_hex()# Apply the conversion function to each row of the data framedf['hex_code'] = df.apply(convert_to_hex, axis=1)# Print the resulting data frameprint(df)knio.output_tables[0] = knio.Table.from_pandas(df) This Python code reads in a data table from the first input port of a KNIME node using the knime.scripting.io library. The data table is then converted to a Pandas data frame using the to_pandas()method.The code then defines a function named convert_to_hex() that converts CIELAB color parameters to hexadecimal color codes using the colormath library.The apply() method is then used to apply the convert_to_hex() function to each row of the data frame, and the resulting hexadecimal codes are added as a new column named hex_code to the dataframe. Finally, the resulting data frame is saved to the first output port of the KNIME node using the from_pandas() method of the knime.scripting.io.Table class.Overall, this code converts CIELAB color parameters in a data table to corresponding hexadecimal color codes and outputs the result to a new table. Python script to convert CIELAB color parameters to hexadecimal color codes in KNIMEhttps://forum.knime.com/t/colorspace-doesnt-work-in-knime-interactive-r/63461/4?u=mlauber71 KNIME and Python — Setting up and managing Conda environmentshttps://medium.com/p/2ac217792539 # conda env create -f="/Users/m_lauber/Dropbox/knime-workspace/forum/2023/kn_forum_63461_cielab_colorspace_hex/data/py3_knime_colorspace.yml"# conda env create -f="C:\\Users\\x123456\\knime-workspace\\forum\\2023\\kn_forum_63461_cielab_colorspace_hex\\data\\py3_knime_colorspace.yml"# conda activate py3_knime_colorspace# conda update -n py3_knime_colorspace --all# conda env update --name py3_knime_colorspace --file "/Users/m_lauber/Dropbox/knime-workspace/forum/2023/kn_forum_63461_cielab_colorspace_hex/data/py3_knime_colorspace.yml" --prune# conda env update --name py3_knime_colorspace --file "C:\\Users\\x123456\\knime-workspace\\forum\\2023\\kn_forum_63461_cielab_colorspace_hex\\data\\py3_knime_colorspace.yml" --prune# conda env update --name py3_knime_colorspace --file "/Users/m_lauber/Dropbox/knime-workspace/forum/2023/kn_forum_63461_cielab_colorspace_hex/data/py3_knime_colorspace.yml"# conda env update --name py3_knime_colorspace --file "C:\\Users\\x123456\\knime-workspace\\forum\\2023\\kn_forum_63461_cielab_colorspace_hex\\data\\py3_knime_colorspace.yml"# conda update -n base conda# KNIME official Python integration guide# https://docs.knime.com/latest/python_installation_guide/index.html#_introduction# KNIME and Python — Setting up and managing Conda environments# https://medium.com/p/2ac217792539# Hyperparameter optimization for LightGBM — wrapped in KNIME nodes# https://medium.com/p/ddb7ae1d7e2# conda activate py3_knime_colorspace# file: py3_knime_colorspace.yml with some modifications# THX Carsten Haubold (https://hub.knime.com/carstenhaubold) for hintsname: py3_knime_colorspace # Name of the created environmentchannels: # Repositories to search for packages# - defaults # edit: removed to just use conda-forge# - anaconda # edit: removed to just use conda-forge - conda-forge# https://anaconda.org/knime - knime # conda search knime-python-base -c knime --info # to see what is in the packagedependencies: # List of packages that should be installed- python=3.9 # Python- knime-python-base # dependencies of KNIME - Python integration# - knime-python-scripting # everything you need to also build Python packages for KNIME- cairo # SVG support- pillow # Image inputs/outputs- matplotlib # Plotting- IPython # Notebook support- nbformat # Notebook support- scipy # Notebook support- jpype1 # A Python to Java bridge# Jupyter Notebook support- jupyter # Jupyter Notebook- pandas-profiling # create overview of your data- sweetviz # In-depth EDA (target analysis, comparison, feature analysis, correlation) in two lines of code!- colormath- pip # Python installer- pip:# - JPype1 # Databases data.csvpy3_knime_colorspacecolor_data.table CSV Reader Python Script Conda EnvironmentPropagation Table Writer import knime.scripting.io as kniodf = knio.input_tables[0].to_pandas()import pandas as pdfrom colormath.color_objects import LabColor, sRGBColorfrom colormath.color_conversions import convert_color# Define a function to convert CIELAB parameters to hexadecimal codedef convert_to_hex(row): lab = LabColor(row['l'], row['a'], row['b']) rgb = convert_color(lab, sRGBColor) return rgb.get_rgb_hex()# Apply the conversion function to each row of the data framedf['hex_code'] = df.apply(convert_to_hex, axis=1)# Print the resulting data frameprint(df)knio.output_tables[0] = knio.Table.from_pandas(df) This Python code reads in a data table from the first input port of a KNIME node using the knime.scripting.io library. The data table is then converted to a Pandas data frame using the to_pandas()method.The code then defines a function named convert_to_hex() that converts CIELAB color parameters to hexadecimal color codes using the colormath library.The apply() method is then used to apply the convert_to_hex() function to each row of the data frame, and the resulting hexadecimal codes are added as a new column named hex_code to the dataframe. Finally, the resulting data frame is saved to the first output port of the KNIME node using the from_pandas() method of the knime.scripting.io.Table class.Overall, this code converts CIELAB color parameters in a data table to corresponding hexadecimal color codes and outputs the result to a new table. Python script to convert CIELAB color parameters to hexadecimal color codes in KNIMEhttps://forum.knime.com/t/colorspace-doesnt-work-in-knime-interactive-r/63461/4?u=mlauber71 KNIME and Python — Setting up and managing Conda environmentshttps://medium.com/p/2ac217792539 # conda env create -f="/Users/m_lauber/Dropbox/knime-workspace/forum/2023/kn_forum_63461_cielab_colorspace_hex/data/py3_knime_colorspace.yml"# conda env create -f="C:\\Users\\x123456\\knime-workspace\\forum\\2023\\kn_forum_63461_cielab_colorspace_hex\\data\\py3_knime_colorspace.yml"# conda activate py3_knime_colorspace# conda update -n py3_knime_colorspace --all# conda env update --name py3_knime_colorspace --file "/Users/m_lauber/Dropbox/knime-workspace/forum/2023/kn_forum_63461_cielab_colorspace_hex/data/py3_knime_colorspace.yml" --prune# conda env update --name py3_knime_colorspace --file "C:\\Users\\x123456\\knime-workspace\\forum\\2023\\kn_forum_63461_cielab_colorspace_hex\\data\\py3_knime_colorspace.yml" --prune# conda env update --name py3_knime_colorspace --file "/Users/m_lauber/Dropbox/knime-workspace/forum/2023/kn_forum_63461_cielab_colorspace_hex/data/py3_knime_colorspace.yml"# conda env update --name py3_knime_colorspace --file "C:\\Users\\x123456\\knime-workspace\\forum\\2023\\kn_forum_63461_cielab_colorspace_hex\\data\\py3_knime_colorspace.yml"# conda update -n base conda# KNIME official Python integration guide# https://docs.knime.com/latest/python_installation_guide/index.html#_introduction# KNIME and Python — Setting up and managing Conda environments# https://medium.com/p/2ac217792539# Hyperparameter optimization for LightGBM — wrapped in KNIME nodes# https://medium.com/p/ddb7ae1d7e2# conda activate py3_knime_colorspace# file: py3_knime_colorspace.yml with some modifications# THX Carsten Haubold (https://hub.knime.com/carstenhaubold) for hintsname: py3_knime_colorspace # Name of the created environmentchannels: # Repositories to search for packages# - defaults # edit: removed to just use conda-forge# - anaconda # edit: removed to just use conda-forge - conda-forge# https://anaconda.org/knime - knime # conda search knime-python-base -c knime --info # to see what is in the packagedependencies: # List of packages that should be installed- python=3.9 # Python- knime-python-base # dependencies of KNIME - Python integration# - knime-python-scripting # everything you need to also build Python packages for KNIME- cairo # SVG support- pillow # Image inputs/outputs- matplotlib # Plotting- IPython # Notebook support- nbformat # Notebook support- scipy # Notebook support- jpype1 # A Python to Java bridge# Jupyter Notebook support- jupyter # Jupyter Notebook- pandas-profiling # create overview of your data- sweetviz # In-depth EDA (target analysis, comparison, feature analysis, correlation) in two lines of code!- colormath- pip # Python installer- pip:# - JPype1 # Databases data.csvpy3_knime_colorspacecolor_data.tableCSV Reader Python Script Conda EnvironmentPropagation Table Writer


