
Replace an Excel Sheet in a XLSM File - KNIME Forum (75867)

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Use the Excel Writer to append a sheet to an Excel File with a Macro in it (.XLSM)

URL: original discussion https://forum.knime.com/t/how-to-export-at-xlsm-file/13779/3?u=mlauber71
URL: Import EXCEL - a meta workflow trying to answer questions about importing data from Excel files https://hub.knime.com/mlauber71/spaces/Public/latest/kn_example_excel_import_meta_workflow~BxiMlBJ2jYCPlZnS
URL: R - openxlsx: Read, Write and Edit xlsx Files https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/openxlsx/index.html
URL: MEDIUM: KNIME and R — installation across operating systems — some remarks https://medium.com/low-code-for-advanced-data-science/knime-and-r-installation-across-operating-systems-some-remarks-6494a2a498cc
URL: HUB: use R's openxlsx to add a worksheet to an existing Excel file with a macro .xlsm https://hub.knime.com/-/spaces/-/latest/~A5WebOdEn2Yr7ONg/
URL: Forum Entry (75867) https://forum.knime.com/t/can-not-update-xlsm-file-in-the-business-hub-workflow/75867/4?u=mlauber71


