

some data wrangling with KNIME and R - forum question (45710)
# conda env create -f py39_knime_r.yml# conda env update -f py39_knime_r.yml --prune# https://forum.knime.com/t/python-environment-creation-problem/41577/7?u=mlauber71## To activate this environment, use## $ conda activate py39_knime_r## To deactivate an active environment, use## $ conda deactivatename: py39_knime_r # Name of the created environmentchannels: # Repositories to search for packages- conda-forgedependencies: # List of packages that should be installed- python=3.9 # Python- py4j # used for KNIME <-> Python communication- nomkl # Prevents the use of Intel's MKL- pandas # Table data structures- jedi<=0.17.2 # Python script autocompletion- python-dateutil # Date and Time utilities- numpy # N-dimensional arrays- cairo # SVG support- pillow # Image inputs/outputs- matplotlib # Plotting- pyarrow=6.0 # Arrow serialization- IPython # Notebook support- nbformat # Notebook support- scipy # Notebook support- python-flatbuffers<2.0 # because tensorflow expects a version before 2- h5py<3.0 # must be < 3.0 because they changed whether str or byte is returned- protobuf>3.12 # Lower protobuf versions do not work with TensorFlow 2- libiconv # MDF Reader node- asammdf=5.19.14 # MDF Reader node# --------------- basic R packages -------------------------------------- r-base>=4.1.3- r-rserve>=1.8_7 # RServe to communicate between R and KNIME- r-essentials- r-cairo- r-ggplot2- r-sessioninfo- r-foreign- r-readr- r-readxl- pip- pip: - JPype1 # Databases some data wrangling with KNIME and R - forum question (45710) Propagates" py39_knime_r" Node 64Node 65Node 66result.table Conda EnvironmentPropagation R Source (Table) R Snippet Table View Table Writer # conda env create -f py39_knime_r.yml# conda env update -f py39_knime_r.yml --prune# https://forum.knime.com/t/python-environment-creation-problem/41577/7?u=mlauber71## To activate this environment, use## $ conda activate py39_knime_r## To deactivate an active environment, use## $ conda deactivatename: py39_knime_r # Name of the created environmentchannels: # Repositories to search for packages- conda-forgedependencies: # List of packages that should be installed- python=3.9 # Python- py4j # used for KNIME <-> Python communication- nomkl # Prevents the use of Intel's MKL- pandas # Table data structures- jedi<=0.17.2 # Python script autocompletion- python-dateutil # Date and Time utilities- numpy # N-dimensional arrays- cairo # SVG support- pillow # Image inputs/outputs- matplotlib # Plotting- pyarrow=6.0 # Arrow serialization- IPython # Notebook support- nbformat # Notebook support- scipy # Notebook support- python-flatbuffers<2.0 # because tensorflow expects a version before 2- h5py<3.0 # must be < 3.0 because they changed whether str or byte is returned- protobuf>3.12 # Lower protobuf versions do not work with TensorFlow 2- libiconv # MDF Reader node- asammdf=5.19.14 # MDF Reader node# --------------- basic R packages -------------------------------------- r-base>=4.1.3- r-rserve>=1.8_7 # RServe to communicate between R and KNIME- r-essentials- r-cairo- r-ggplot2- r-sessioninfo- r-foreign- r-readr- r-readxl- pip- pip: - JPype1 # Databases some data wrangling with KNIME and R - forum question (45710) Propagates" py39_knime_r" Node 64Node 65Node 66result.tableConda EnvironmentPropagation R Source (Table) R Snippet Table View Table Writer


