

try to find a workaround to re-calculate Excel formulas on sheets other than the one being imported

try to find a workaround to re-calculate Excel formulas on sheets other than the one being imported
(which is possible in the Excel-Reader) - WORK IN PROGRESS

# Python code to force a calculation of *all* formulas in the Excel file and *replace* them with the values# so handle with care. Also this module will make all sheet names into upper-case!!!# import the KNIME moduleimport knime_io as knioimport numpy as npimport pandas as pdimport os# https://newbedev.com/calculating-excel-sheets-without-opening-them-openpyxl-or-xlwtimport formulasvar_data_path = knio.flow_variables['var_path_data']print("var_data_path : ", var_data_path )var_path_excel_file = var_data_path + "test.xlsx"print("var_path_excel_file : ", var_path_excel_file )#The variable spreadsheet provides the full path with filename to the excel spreadsheet with unevaluated formulaexl_model = formulas.ExcelModel().loads(var_path_excel_file).finish()xl_model.calculate()xl_model.write(dirpath=var_data_path) try to find a workaround to re-calculate Excel formulas on sheets other than the one being imported(which is possible in the Excel-Reader) - WORK IN PROGRESS ################################################################################ A simple example of some of the features of the XlsxWriter Python module.## Copyright 2013-2018, John McNamara, jmcnamara@cpan.org# https://xlsxwriter.readthedocs.io/example_demo.html# import the KNIME moduleimport knime_io as knioimport numpy as npimport pandas as pdimport openpyxlimport osfrom openpyxl.formula.translate import Translatorfrom openpyxl.utils import get_column_letterfrom openpyxl.styles import Font, Fillvar_data_path = knio.flow_variables['var_path_data']print("var_data_path : ", var_data_path )var_path_excel_file = var_data_path + "test.xlsx"print("var_path_excel_file : ", var_path_excel_file )# Create an new Excel file and add a worksheet.wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(var_path_excel_file)ws_sheet_to_remove = 'sheet_with_formulas'v_list_sheetnames = wb.sheetnamesprint(v_list_sheetnames)# delete the new ws if it already existsfor i in v_list_sheetnames: if i == ws_sheet_to_remove: std=wb.get_sheet_by_name(i) print("remove: ", i) wb.remove_sheet(std)v_list_sheetnames = wb.sheetnamesprint(v_list_sheetnames) for i in v_list_sheetnames: i = i.upper() if i == ws_sheet_to_remove.upper(): std=wb.get_sheet_by_name(i) print("remove: ", i) wb.remove_sheet(std)v_list_sheetnames = wb.sheetnamesprint(v_list_sheetnames)for i in v_list_sheetnames: i = i.lower() if i == ws_sheet_to_remove.lower(): std=wb.get_sheet_by_name(i) print("remove: ", i) wb.remove_sheet(std) v_list_sheetnames = wb.sheetnamesprint(v_list_sheetnames)ws = wb.create_sheet("sheet_with_formulas")# https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/python-adjusting-rows-and-columns-of-an-excel-file-using-openpyxl-module/# Widen the first column to make the text clearer.# ws.column_dimensions['A:B'].width = 20# Write some simple text.ws['A1'] = "Value from sheet2 cell A1"ws['A2'] = "=sheet2!A1"# Text with formatting.ws['B1'] = "Sum of first 100 lines column2 from sheet3:"ws['B2'] = "=SUM(sheet3!B2:B100)"# Text with formatting.ws['C1'] = "Sum of first 100 lines column2 from sheet1:"ws['C2'] = "=SUM(sheet1!B2:B100)"wb.save(var_path_excel_file)wb.close() create small tabletest.xlsxoverwrite andcreate "Sheet1"append "sheet2"change some datafill "sheet3"and re-calculateTRUE => FALSEemptyempty "sheet3"determinepath and name of workflowconda.environmentcreate new"sheet_with_formulas"and add some formulasread the new sheet"sheet_with_formulas"WITHOUT recalculating itread the new sheet"sheet_with_formulas"WITHOUT recalculating itempty tableappend to"sheet_with_formulas"read the new sheet"sheet_with_formulas"WITHOUT recalculating itremove blank to create an empty string Table Creator Excel Writer Excel Writer Math Formula Write To ExcelTemplate Rule-basedRow Filter Excel Writer Extract ContextProperties Conda EnvironmentPropagation Merge Variables Python Script(Labs) determine paths Excel Reader Excel Reader Table Creator Write To ExcelTemplate Excel Reader String Manipulation # Python code to force a calculation of *all* formulas in the Excel file and *replace* them with the values# so handle with care. Also this module will make all sheet names into upper-case!!!# import the KNIME moduleimport knime_io as knioimport numpy as npimport pandas as pdimport os# https://newbedev.com/calculating-excel-sheets-without-opening-them-openpyxl-or-xlwtimport formulasvar_data_path = knio.flow_variables['var_path_data']print("var_data_path : ", var_data_path )var_path_excel_file = var_data_path + "test.xlsx"print("var_path_excel_file : ", var_path_excel_file )#The variable spreadsheet provides the full path with filename to the excel spreadsheet with unevaluated formulaexl_model = formulas.ExcelModel().loads(var_path_excel_file).finish()xl_model.calculate()xl_model.write(dirpath=var_data_path) try to find a workaround to re-calculate Excel formulas on sheets other than the one being imported(which is possible in the Excel-Reader) - WORK IN PROGRESS ################################################################################ A simple example of some of the features of the XlsxWriter Python module.## Copyright 2013-2018, John McNamara, jmcnamara@cpan.org# https://xlsxwriter.readthedocs.io/example_demo.html# import the KNIME moduleimport knime_io as knioimport numpy as npimport pandas as pdimport openpyxlimport osfrom openpyxl.formula.translate import Translatorfrom openpyxl.utils import get_column_letterfrom openpyxl.styles import Font, Fillvar_data_path = knio.flow_variables['var_path_data']print("var_data_path : ", var_data_path )var_path_excel_file = var_data_path + "test.xlsx"print("var_path_excel_file : ", var_path_excel_file )# Create an new Excel file and add a worksheet.wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(var_path_excel_file)ws_sheet_to_remove = 'sheet_with_formulas'v_list_sheetnames = wb.sheetnamesprint(v_list_sheetnames)# delete the new ws if it already existsfor i in v_list_sheetnames: if i == ws_sheet_to_remove: std=wb.get_sheet_by_name(i) print("remove: ", i) wb.remove_sheet(std)v_list_sheetnames = wb.sheetnamesprint(v_list_sheetnames) for i in v_list_sheetnames: i = i.upper() if i == ws_sheet_to_remove.upper(): std=wb.get_sheet_by_name(i) print("remove: ", i) wb.remove_sheet(std)v_list_sheetnames = wb.sheetnamesprint(v_list_sheetnames)for i in v_list_sheetnames: i = i.lower() if i == ws_sheet_to_remove.lower(): std=wb.get_sheet_by_name(i) print("remove: ", i) wb.remove_sheet(std) v_list_sheetnames = wb.sheetnamesprint(v_list_sheetnames)ws = wb.create_sheet("sheet_with_formulas")# https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/python-adjusting-rows-and-columns-of-an-excel-file-using-openpyxl-module/# Widen the first column to make the text clearer.# ws.column_dimensions['A:B'].width = 20# Write some simple text.ws['A1'] = "Value from sheet2 cell A1"ws['A2'] = "=sheet2!A1"# Text with formatting.ws['B1'] = "Sum of first 100 lines column2 from sheet3:"ws['B2'] = "=SUM(sheet3!B2:B100)"# Text with formatting.ws['C1'] = "Sum of first 100 lines column2 from sheet1:"ws['C2'] = "=SUM(sheet1!B2:B100)"wb.save(var_path_excel_file)wb.close() create small tabletest.xlsxoverwrite andcreate "Sheet1"append "sheet2"change some datafill "sheet3"and re-calculateTRUE => FALSEemptyempty "sheet3"determinepath and name of workflowconda.environmentcreate new"sheet_with_formulas"and add some formulasread the new sheet"sheet_with_formulas"WITHOUT recalculating itread the new sheet"sheet_with_formulas"WITHOUT recalculating itempty tableappend to"sheet_with_formulas"read the new sheet"sheet_with_formulas"WITHOUT recalculating itremove blank to create an empty stringTable Creator Excel Writer Excel Writer Math Formula Write To ExcelTemplate Rule-basedRow Filter Excel Writer Extract ContextProperties Conda EnvironmentPropagation Merge Variables Python Script(Labs) determine paths Excel Reader Excel Reader Table Creator Write To ExcelTemplate Excel Reader String Manipulation


