
M 010 - Decision Tree and all the Exports

Decision Tree with all its exports

A simple decision tree with all the possibilities to store the results (as PMML or Ruleset or SQL Code) and evaluation (ROC curve)

URL: original post from KNIME forum https://forum.knime.com/t/looking-for-options-to-evaluate-a-decision-tree/11384/2?u=mlauber71
URL: PMML Models that support probabilities https://forum.knime.com/t/export-pmml-that-outputs-class-probabilities/13244/2?u=mlauber71
URL: UCI - Census Income Data Set https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/census+income
URL: Machine Learning Meta Collection (with KNIME) https://kni.me/w/--zu7353LMafrYQ_
URL: educate yourself about KNIME and Machine Learning https://forum.knime.com/t/exam-based-kaggle-case-study/42740/2?u=mlauber71
URL: another decision tree and JRip ruleset https://forum.knime.com/t/prediction-on-qualitative-data/43552/9?u=mlauber71
URL: HUB: Decision Tree with all its exports https://hub.knime.com/-/spaces/-/latest/~GbK8kmsRLtwvSKl9/


