
Excel - Tables within a Sheet determined by Colour - KNIME Forum (79209)

Excel File - determine blocks with separate Tables with the help of the cell colors of the table headers using Python / Openpyxl

URL: Excel Import Blocks https://forum.knime.com/t/move-head-rows-to-a-column/45094/2?u=mlauber71
URL: Filter an Excel file using style elements like color of the cell extracted with the help of Python openpyxl https://forum.knime.com/t/filter-excel-table-by-colour/20633/3?u=mlauber71
URL: KNIME Forum (79209) - Data Transformation of unstructured excel data https://forum.knime.com/t/data-transformation-of-unstructured-excel-data/79209/2?u=mlauber71
URL: KNIME Blog: How to Set Up Your Python Extensions https://www.knime.com/blog/how-to-setup-the-python-extension


