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Read Data from Google Sheets and Google Drive

This workflow demonstrates how to read data from Google Sheets and data files (Text, Excel and CSV) from Google Drive.

URL: KNIME Self Paced Course https://www.knime.com/knime-self-paced-courses
URL: KNIME Cheat Sheet : Building a KNIME Workflow for Beginners https://www.knime.com/sites/default/files/2021-07/CheatSheet_Beginner_A3.pdf
URL: Reading files in KNIME - KNIME TV - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiZsOnhZgzk
URL: KNIME Cheat Sheet : Connectors with KNIME Analytics Platform https://www.knime.com/sites/default/files/2021-07/cheat-sheet-connectors.pdf

MIS GOOGLENode 6Google DriveConnector Google Authenticator(Deprecated) List Files/Folders String Manipulation Table Creator Joiner CSV Reader Table Rowto Variable MIS GOOGLENode 6Google DriveConnector Google Authenticator(Deprecated) List Files/Folders String Manipulation Table Creator Joiner CSV Reader Table Rowto Variable


