

1) Compound ID and CANOPUS Results mixing 2) Library (GNPS + SIRIUS + MolDiscovery) 3) Differential quantification and identification mixing Cytoscape TableSIRIUS TableCytoscape + SIRIUSRead CANOPUS tableMolDiscoveryCytoscape + SIRIUSRemove Scan DuplicatesLess FDRCytoscapeGNPS + SIRIUS + MolDiscoveryRead Compound ID tableCompound ID - CANOPUS tableDifQuant tableLibrary ID tablePeakIDMS1ID + mz + RTPeakID to mz and RTDifQuantID tableSignificant ID TableSignificant ID Table CSV Reader CSV Reader Joiner CSV Reader CSV Reader Joiner DuplicateRow Filter CSV Writer CSV Reader Joiner CSV Writer CSV Reader CSV Reader Joiner CSV Reader Joiner CSV Writer CSV Writer CSV Writer 1) Compound ID and CANOPUS Results mixing 2) Library (GNPS + SIRIUS + MolDiscovery) 3) Differential quantification and identification mixing Cytoscape TableSIRIUS TableCytoscape + SIRIUSRead CANOPUS tableMolDiscoveryCytoscape + SIRIUSRemove Scan DuplicatesLess FDRCytoscapeGNPS + SIRIUS + MolDiscoveryRead Compound ID tableCompound ID - CANOPUS tableDifQuant tableLibrary ID tablePeakIDMS1ID + mz + RTPeakID to mz and RTDifQuantID tableSignificant ID TableSignificant ID Table CSV Reader CSV Reader Joiner CSV Reader CSV Reader Joiner DuplicateRow Filter CSV Writer CSV Reader Joiner CSV Writer CSV Reader CSV Reader Joiner CSV Reader Joiner CSV Writer CSV Writer CSV Writer


