
Mahalanobis Distance R Web

Mahalanobis Distance R Web
The following workflow flags an observations asan outlier based on the mahalanobis distance The example is taken from the following site: https://www.statology.org/mahalanobis-distance-r/ Node 160The data has the same scaleotherwise you needto normalize the dataNode 162Node 163Node 164Node 165 Table Creator R Snippet Column Rename R Snippet Rule Engine Column Rename The following workflow flags an observations asan outlier based on the mahalanobis distance The example is taken from the following site: https://www.statology.org/mahalanobis-distance-r/ Node 160The data has the same scaleotherwise you needto normalize the dataNode 162Node 163Node 164Node 165 Table Creator R Snippet Column Rename R Snippet Rule Engine Column Rename


