
01 Data Access

Data Access - Exercise

This workflow shows a hands-on exercise in the L1-DS Introduction to KNIME Analytics Platform for Data Scientists - Basics course

Task 1: Read Data from a File1. Read the following files in the data folder using the appropriate reader nodes:- adult.csv- adult_education.table- adult_income.xlsxHint! You can drag and drop the files from KNIME Explorer to the workflow editor2. Change the file paths to workflow relative paths Task 2: Accessing Databases1. Read the web_activity table on the WebActivity.sqlite database available in the datafolder2. Read the data locally Node 1Node 2Node 3Node 4Node 6Node 8 CSV Reader Table Reader Excel Reader DB Reader SQLite Connector DB Table Selector Task 1: Read Data from a File1. Read the following files in the data folder using the appropriate reader nodes:- adult.csv- adult_education.table- adult_income.xlsxHint! You can drag and drop the files from KNIME Explorer to the workflow editor2. Change the file paths to workflow relative paths Task 2: Accessing Databases1. Read the web_activity table on the WebActivity.sqlite database available in the datafolder2. Read the data locally Node 1Node 2Node 3Node 4Node 6Node 8CSV Reader Table Reader Excel Reader DB Reader SQLite Connector DB Table Selector


