

ChallengeFor this challenge we decided to analyse the movie industry. For the first part we will create an interactive dashboard to show thecharacteristics and changes overtime.In the second part we decided to develop 2 different recommendation systemusing matrix factorization and clustering Explore and visualize Predict Matrix factorization Clustering Download the dataset here and move them to the same folder of the workflow in knime.https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1is8U-VtrO73KFMau7aqIR05-9i1b7bOE?usp=sharing Explore andVisualize Matrixfactorization Clustering ChallengeFor this challenge we decided to analyse the movie industry. For the first part we will create an interactive dashboard to show thecharacteristics and changes overtime.In the second part we decided to develop 2 different recommendation systemusing matrix factorization and clustering Explore and visualize Predict Matrix factorization Clustering Download the dataset here and move them to the same folder of the workflow in knime.https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1is8U-VtrO73KFMau7aqIR05-9i1b7bOE?usp=sharing Explore andVisualize Matrixfactorization Clustering


