

Challenge 11: Mean Time to Close a TicketLevel: EasyDescription: Your support team would like to get some insight into the quality of their service and they ask youto analyze their support data. As a first step, they would like to find out how the time to answer a support ticketis distributed, and what the mean of this distribution is. Help your support team by using the dataset includedin this challenge to (1) plot this time distribution as a histogram, and to (2) calculate its mean. 1)many histograms 2)7.16 hours Node 98Node 100Node 101Node 102Node 105time of weekNode 107Node 108averageNode 110Node 111time of yearNode 114time of dayNode 117 Table Reader Date&TimeDifference Column Expressions Row Filter Auto-Binner GroupBy Bar Chart(JFreeChart) GroupBy Pivoting GroupBy Bar Chart(JFreeChart) GroupBy GroupBy GroupBy Bar Chart(JFreeChart) GroupBy GroupBy Bar Chart(JFreeChart) GroupBy Challenge 11: Mean Time to Close a TicketLevel: EasyDescription: Your support team would like to get some insight into the quality of their service and they ask youto analyze their support data. As a first step, they would like to find out how the time to answer a support ticketis distributed, and what the mean of this distribution is. Help your support team by using the dataset includedin this challenge to (1) plot this time distribution as a histogram, and to (2) calculate its mean. 1)many histograms 2)7.16 hours Node 98Node 100Node 101Node 102Node 105time of weekNode 107Node 108averageNode 110Node 111time of yearNode 114time of dayNode 117Table Reader Date&TimeDifference Column Expressions Row Filter Auto-Binner GroupBy Bar Chart(JFreeChart) GroupBy Pivoting GroupBy Bar Chart(JFreeChart) GroupBy GroupBy GroupBy Bar Chart(JFreeChart) GroupBy GroupBy Bar Chart(JFreeChart) GroupBy


