

Bar Chart Examples

This workflow demonstrates different ways to use the Bar Chart node.
We use the Bar Chart node from the KNIME Views (Labs). To install this Labs extension, go to 'File > Install KNIME Extensions > KNIME Labs Extensions > KNIME Views (Labs)'.

We have chosen to do a quantitative visual comparison using data from the "Olympic Historical Dataset From Olympedia.org", CC license, which you can consult at the following link: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/josephcheng123456/olympic-historical-dataset-from-olympediaorg.

For visualization purposes, we have elaborated a small dataset with a few countries showing the medals they won during the Summer Olympics Games from 1896 to 2022.
You can find the entire folder 'olympics data', containing more datasets, in the workflow data area. Feel free to explore it.

With the Bar Chart node from KNIME Views (Labs), you can double-click and configure your chart, then click 'Save and Execute' and see the results without leaving the configuration window.

We have created a component example in the workflow with widgets. You can visualize it in your Local Machine or execute it in the KNIME Business Hub.
Definitely, it's a fancier and more updated visualization node. If you include it within KNIME components, you can build professional dashboards.

URL: Wikipedia - Bar Chart https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bar_chart


