Read Workspace

Read workspace node is used for reading all entities and their specifications from chosen workspace.
In order to run this node API key and Workspace Id should be provided. Workspace Id can be found on Platform, clicking on three dots of selected workspace in workspace list.

To use this node you need an API Key from Log-hub Supply Chain Apps. This key you can generate with an Supply Chain Apps Pro Account. More information you can find on

Log-hub video for API key generation:


Workspace Id
Please enter here the workspace id.
Log-hub API Key
Please enter here the API Key from Log-hub.

Input Ports

This node has no input ports

Output Ports

The output contains the data about entities from your workspace: Id of each entity, name, type, userId, workspaceId, createdAt and createdBy, updatedBy and updatedAt, folderId if entity is in folder, applicationName, applicationType, applicationRunId as and tableLink and datasetLink for tables.


