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KNIME Diagnosing WorkflowMemory Cleanup: - Optionally, calls the garbage collector before collecting diagnosticsInformation Extraction: - System configuration, incl. system properties, KNIME features installed, ... - JVM arguments and runtime information - Extracts KNIME and Eclipse logs - Reports WorkflowJobs and the executor's JobPool memory usage - Dumps all threads, similar to jstack - Optionally dumps entire heap (disabled per default) - Collects OS-specific cpu and memory usageMemory Monitoring and Display: - Allows for monitoring the memory usage over a given duration (seconds) - Displays the usage stats in a Data App WARNING!(1) Depending on your configuration, this workflow might freeze the entire JVM for a couple of seconds,especially during the heap dump!(2) When selecting the OS-specific CPU and memory usage collection, be aware that this workflow startsexternal shell processes and reads from them!They are listed here: - Windows:> powershell -c "Get-Process | Sort-Object -Descending CPU | Select-Object -First 20"> powershell -c "systeminfo | Select-String Memory" - Linux:> top -b -n 3> cat /proc/loadavg> cat /proc/cpuinfo> cat /proc/meminfo> cat /proc/stat - MacOS:> top -l 3 -n 3> vm_stat Collect Diagnostics Configure Pre-DiagnoseGarbage Collection Pre-DiagnoseThread Dump KNIME Diagnosing WorkflowMemory Cleanup: - Optionally, calls the garbage collector before collecting diagnosticsInformation Extraction: - System configuration, incl. system properties, KNIME features installed, ... - JVM arguments and runtime information - Extracts KNIME and Eclipse logs - Reports WorkflowJobs and the executor's JobPool memory usage - Dumps all threads, similar to jstack - Optionally dumps entire heap (disabled per default) - Collects OS-specific cpu and memory usageMemory Monitoring and Display: - Allows for monitoring the memory usage over a given duration (seconds) - Displays the usage stats in a Data App WARNING!(1) Depending on your configuration, this workflow might freeze the entire JVM for a couple of seconds,especially during the heap dump!(2) When selecting the OS-specific CPU and memory usage collection, be aware that this workflow startsexternal shell processes and reads from them!They are listed here: - Windows:> powershell -c "Get-Process | Sort-Object -Descending CPU | Select-Object -First 20"> powershell -c "systeminfo | Select-String Memory" - Linux:> top -b -n 3> cat /proc/loadavg> cat /proc/cpuinfo> cat /proc/meminfo> cat /proc/stat - MacOS:> top -l 3 -n 3> vm_stat Collect Diagnostics Configure Pre-DiagnoseGarbage Collection Pre-DiagnoseThread Dump


