
Filtering rows containing names

Elenco filecon tasse giàscaricatiDataTo URLReading files5 secondiSalvataggioNome file percorsoIn percorsoScaricamento filecon tasseScaricamento filecon tasseNode 603Node 604List Files/Folders Column Expressions String to Path(Variable) Excel Reader Wait... Excel Writer VariableExpressions String to Path(Variable) Variable Loop End Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Table Creator Row Filter Elenco filecon tasse giàscaricatiDataTo URLReading files5 secondiSalvataggioNome file percorsoIn percorsoScaricamento filecon tasseScaricamento filecon tasseNode 603Node 604List Files/Folders Column Expressions String to Path(Variable) Excel Reader Wait... Excel Writer VariableExpressions String to Path(Variable) Variable Loop End Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Table Creator Row Filter


