
Just Knime It Week 3 v.1

Just Knime It Week 3 v.1
Challenge 3: CDC Cancer DataLevel: EasyDescription: You received the 2017 cancer data from the CDC for inspection, and your goal is to answer the following questions: (1) What are the top-5 most frequent cancer types occurring in females? (2) What are the top-5 most frequent cancer types occurring in males? (3) Which US state has the highest cancer incidence rate (that is, the highest number of cancer cases normalized by the size of its population)?Author: Janina MothesDataset: Cancer and Population Data in the KNIME HubOur solution will appear here next Tuesday. In the meantime, feel free to discuss your work on the KNIME forum or on social media using the hashtag #justknimeit.Remember to upload your solution with tag justknimeit-3 to your public space on the KNIME Hub. To increase the visibility of your solution, also post it to its challenge thread in the KNIME forum. CDC Cancer DataClear CountF OnlyGroupfor top-5top-5cancer types - FClean up(0 and 26000)Clean up(0 and 26000)M OnlyGroupfor top-5Filtermissingcancer typesClean up(0)top-5cancer types - MPopulationGet ridof ","Group by statesJoinAll but Puerto RicoGet the ratiotop-1incidency ratioClean up(0 and 26000)Clean up(0 and 26000) CSV Reader Rule Engine Row Filter GroupBy Top k Selector Row Filter Row Filter Row Filter GroupBy Row Filter Row Filter Top k Selector Excel Reader String Manipulation GroupBy Joiner Math Formula Top k Selector Row Filter Row Filter Challenge 3: CDC Cancer DataLevel: EasyDescription: You received the 2017 cancer data from the CDC for inspection, and your goal is to answer the following questions: (1) What are the top-5 most frequent cancer types occurring in females? (2) What are the top-5 most frequent cancer types occurring in males? (3) Which US state has the highest cancer incidence rate (that is, the highest number of cancer cases normalized by the size of its population)?Author: Janina MothesDataset: Cancer and Population Data in the KNIME HubOur solution will appear here next Tuesday. In the meantime, feel free to discuss your work on the KNIME forum or on social media using the hashtag #justknimeit.Remember to upload your solution with tag justknimeit-3 to your public space on the KNIME Hub. To increase the visibility of your solution, also post it to its challenge thread in the KNIME forum. CDC Cancer DataClear CountF OnlyGroupfor top-5top-5cancer types - FClean up(0 and 26000)Clean up(0 and 26000)M OnlyGroupfor top-5Filtermissingcancer typesClean up(0)top-5cancer types - MPopulationGet ridof ","Group by statesJoinAll but Puerto RicoGet the ratiotop-1incidency ratioClean up(0 and 26000)Clean up(0 and 26000) CSV Reader Rule Engine Row Filter GroupBy Top k Selector Row Filter Row Filter Row Filter GroupBy Row Filter Row Filter Top k Selector Excel Reader String Manipulation GroupBy Joiner Math Formula Top k Selector Row Filter Row Filter


