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Challenge 30: Music Data AppLevel: Medium or HardDescription: The second season of Just KNIME It! is comingto an end, and just like last season we will celebrate it withan open-ended problem. We invite you to use yourcreativity to build a data app relating music tracks to theirartists through interactive and insightful visualizations. Takea step further and use one of the datasets we provide tomake your interface available in multiple languages. Note:As this is an open-ended challenge, we will not be supplyingour own solution as we usually do. Feel free to explore thedatasets as you see fit!Author: Aline BessaDataset: Music Data in the KNIME HubRemember to upload your solution with tag JKISeason2-30to your public space on the KNIME Community Hub. Toincrease the visibility of your solution, also post it to thischallenge thread on the KNIME Forum.Thank you for participating this season and we cannot waitto see the ideas you come up with for this final challenge! This is the minimum set of nodes for the generic Venn-Scatter Plot. The workflow requires that only 5columns are passed in and they mustcome in this order:Column 1. and ID or index columncontaining unique udentifiers (string)Column 2. A string column encoding animage... Column 3-5. Data columns that willmake up the three sets used the Venndiagram For JKISeason2-30, these nodes arejust preparing the "artists" csv file.... ialso filtered to a more managabenumber of rows. Node 1Node 3Node 4Node 1395Node 1396Node 1397Node 1398Node 1399Node 1400Node 1401Node 1402Node 1403Node 1405select 500 rowsNode 1407Node 1408 Excel Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader Java Snippet(simple) Insert ColumnHeader Table Creator Metanode ExtractColumn Header Column AutoType Cast Column Splitter Metanode Transpose Component Column Resorter Row Filter CSV Reader Normalizer Challenge 30: Music Data AppLevel: Medium or HardDescription: The second season of Just KNIME It! is comingto an end, and just like last season we will celebrate it withan open-ended problem. We invite you to use yourcreativity to build a data app relating music tracks to theirartists through interactive and insightful visualizations. Takea step further and use one of the datasets we provide tomake your interface available in multiple languages. Note:As this is an open-ended challenge, we will not be supplyingour own solution as we usually do. Feel free to explore thedatasets as you see fit!Author: Aline BessaDataset: Music Data in the KNIME HubRemember to upload your solution with tag JKISeason2-30to your public space on the KNIME Community Hub. Toincrease the visibility of your solution, also post it to thischallenge thread on the KNIME Forum.Thank you for participating this season and we cannot waitto see the ideas you come up with for this final challenge! This is the minimum set of nodes for the generic Venn-Scatter Plot. The workflow requires that only 5columns are passed in and they mustcome in this order:Column 1. and ID or index columncontaining unique udentifiers (string)Column 2. A string column encoding animage... Column 3-5. Data columns that willmake up the three sets used the Venndiagram For JKISeason2-30, these nodes arejust preparing the "artists" csv file.... ialso filtered to a more managabenumber of rows. Node 1Node 3Node 4Node 1395Node 1396Node 1397Node 1398Node 1399Node 1400Node 1401Node 1402Node 1403Node 1405select 500 rowsNode 1407Node 1408Excel Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader Java Snippet(simple) Insert ColumnHeader Table Creator Metanode ExtractColumn Header Column AutoType Cast Column Splitter Metanode Transpose Component Column Resorter Row Filter CSV Reader Normalizer


