

This workflow is a response to the KNIME forum post by abekchanov called "How to create a wrokflow that appendsa new column to the csv files based on the values from excel file" Link to the post: https://forum.knime.com/t/how-to-create-a-wrokflow-that-appends-a-new-column-to-the-csv-files-based-on-the-values-from-excel-file/49062/1 importerror-messages.xlsxExcel fileimport example.csvrename column headerb/c of crappyExcel csv formatjoin bothtables togetherdelete rowswith no errormessagewrite backto csv Excel Reader CSV Reader Column Rename Joiner Row Filter CSV Writer This workflow is a response to the KNIME forum post by abekchanov called "How to create a wrokflow that appendsa new column to the csv files based on the values from excel file" Link to the post: https://forum.knime.com/t/how-to-create-a-wrokflow-that-appends-a-new-column-to-the-csv-files-based-on-the-values-from-excel-file/49062/1 importerror-messages.xlsxExcel fileimport example.csvrename column headerb/c of crappyExcel csv formatjoin bothtables togetherdelete rowswith no errormessagewrite backto csv Excel Reader CSV Reader Column Rename Joiner Row Filter CSV Writer


