

Extract Webhook Payload Properties

This workflow snippet shows how to process an example HTTP POST payload (JSON format) from a GitHub webhook. Webhooks provide a way for notifications to be delivered to an external web server whenever certain actions occur on a repository or organization.

Once the workflow is uploaded to the KNIME Server this workflow can be used as the payload URL to receive the webhook POST requests.

Extract webhook payload object propertiesEach webhook event payload contains properties unique to the event. As an example, awebhook payload for pushing commits to a repository was used.https://docs.github.com/en/developers/webhooks-and-events/webhooks/webhook-events-and-payloads#push Each payload property must have its own Container Input node, otherwise the request cannot bedelivered successfully. refbeforeafterforcedbase_refcomparecommitssenderpusherrepositoryhead_commitExtract valuesfrom JSON arraydeletedcreated ContainerInput (JSON) ContainerInput (JSON) ContainerInput (JSON) ContainerInput (JSON) ContainerInput (JSON) ContainerInput (JSON) ContainerInput (JSON) ContainerInput (JSON) ContainerInput (JSON) ContainerInput (JSON) ContainerInput (JSON) JSON Path ContainerInput (JSON) ContainerInput (JSON) Extract webhook payload object propertiesEach webhook event payload contains properties unique to the event. As an example, awebhook payload for pushing commits to a repository was used.https://docs.github.com/en/developers/webhooks-and-events/webhooks/webhook-events-and-payloads#push Each payload property must have its own Container Input node, otherwise the request cannot bedelivered successfully. refbeforeafterforcedbase_refcomparecommitssenderpusherrepositoryhead_commitExtract valuesfrom JSON arraydeletedcreated ContainerInput (JSON) ContainerInput (JSON) ContainerInput (JSON) ContainerInput (JSON) ContainerInput (JSON) ContainerInput (JSON) ContainerInput (JSON) ContainerInput (JSON) ContainerInput (JSON) ContainerInput (JSON) ContainerInput (JSON) JSON Path ContainerInput (JSON) ContainerInput (JSON)


