
Binary to Table

Analyzing BLOB data from iTunes web data retrieval
This table is meant to copy thefunctionality or response of a REST APIthat returns the response in a binary orBLOB format. This portion of the snippet converts the binary object to a string, which we canthen see is JSON format, which we would expect considering this was theresponse from a REST API. Finally converting the JSON responsestructure to a table, which can then beused in a more consumable format withinthe workflow. This workflow shows how to process Binary Large Objects (BLOB) data. Convertfrom binary objectto string String to JSONJSONPath tobreak up search resultsConvertingJSON collectionto rowsConverting JSONto a tableRead BLOB Data Type Binary Objectsto Strings String to JSON JSON Path Ungroup JSON to Table Table Reader This table is meant to copy thefunctionality or response of a REST APIthat returns the response in a binary orBLOB format. This portion of the snippet converts the binary object to a string, which we canthen see is JSON format, which we would expect considering this was theresponse from a REST API. Finally converting the JSON responsestructure to a table, which can then beused in a more consumable format withinthe workflow. This workflow shows how to process Binary Large Objects (BLOB) data. Convertfrom binary objectto string String to JSONJSONPath tobreak up search resultsConvertingJSON collectionto rowsConverting JSONto a tableRead BLOB Data Type Binary Objectsto Strings String to JSON JSON Path Ungroup JSON to Table Table Reader


