
Revenue Growth KPI Monthly

This workflow calculates the Revenue Growth KPI, according to the following steps:

- Read journal entries from ERP (debit & credit)
- Get exchange rates from service via REST API by date
- Join the two data tables
- Set debit and credit to 0 if missing
- Multiply amount in original currency by exchange rate of the date
- Calculate monthly sum(credit) as sum(revenues) for 2022
- Calculate Growth Rate KPI
- Visualize in data app Sum(revenues) and Growth rate by period

Here the journal entry data come from an Excel file, but could be imported from SAP, Salesforce, Odoo, or a database. It is enough to change the Excel Reader node into the appropriate node for the data source.

The difference with the workflow "Growth Rate KPI Monthly Static" consists in the final data app.

Read more on the topic Revenue Growth on the KNIME Blog: https://www.knime.com/blog/calculate-revenue-growth-kpi

URL: KNIME Blog: Revenue Growth KPI https://www.knime.com/blog/calculate-revenue-growth-kpi


