

Additional plots to visually explore time series data

Data Preparation Data Loading Seasonal Plot Confidence Bounds Lag Plot This workflow shows how to build the following additional plots to visually analyze time series:- Seasonal Plot- Confidence Bounds- Lag Plot convertdate/timeinto Date&Time objectsSeasonal plot - Hourlyby year and monthIntroducemissinghoursColored LagPlot in RRequires installation of RSee the description for the installation guideConfidence BoundsEnergyusagedataYearDay of yearMonthDay of weekHour Missing Value String to Date&Time Number To String Line Plot (Plotly) Sorter Column Filter Timestamp Alignment Scatter Line Plot Line colors Generatelagged values 95 % ConfidenceBounds by Hour Formatgranularities CSV Reader Extract Date&TimeFields Data Preparation Data Loading Seasonal Plot Confidence Bounds Lag Plot This workflow shows how to build the following additional plots to visually analyze time series:- Seasonal Plot- Confidence Bounds- Lag Plot convertdate/timeinto Date&Time objectsSeasonal plot - Hourlyby year and monthIntroducemissinghoursColored LagPlot in RRequires installation of RSee the description for the installation guideConfidence BoundsEnergyusagedataYearDay of yearMonthDay of weekHour Missing Value String to Date&Time Number To String Line Plot (Plotly) Sorter Column Filter Timestamp Alignment Scatter Line Plot Line colors Generatelagged values 95 % ConfidenceBounds by Hour Formatgranularities CSV Reader Extract Date&TimeFields


