

01 DB Connect Exercise
Exercise: 01_DB_Connect - Connect to the database (SQLite) newCensus.sqlite in folder 1_Data (Note: SQLite Connector node supports knime:// protocol) - Explore DB metadata - Select table ss13pme (person data in Maine) - Import the data into a KNIME data tableOptional: Create a Credentials Configuration node and use it with a MySQLConnector instead of user name and password. Exercise: 01_DB_Connect - Connect to the database (SQLite) newCensus.sqlite in folder 1_Data (Note: SQLite Connector node supports knime:// protocol) - Explore DB metadata - Select table ss13pme (person data in Maine) - Import the data into a KNIME data tableOptional: Create a Credentials Configuration node and use it with a MySQLConnector instead of user name and password.


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