
Glucose TSA Deployment

Deployment workflow capture by glucose forecasting workflow found at https://kni.me/w/DNJGglb9qEHhjRSx

This workflow was created using the integrated deployment framework to capture certain section of the training pipeline to automaticaly create a deployment ready workflow.

Automatically Generated Deployment Workflow for Glucose PredictionThis deployment workflow has been autonmatically created from the testing part of the workflow buildin, training, and testing a feedforward neuralnetwork, via the two integrated deployment nodes and the Workflow Writer node.- Capture Workflow Start and Capture Workflow End node isolate and export the workflow segment in between.- Workflow Writer node transforms such workflow segment into a real workflow and writes it into the selected location. trained keras networkcombine 6 mostrecent values intotarget listlag valuescombine 36 values before the target intoinput list> 12.5 too high< 2.5 too lowNormalization modelNode 486 PortObjectReference Reader Column Aggregator Lag Column Column Aggregator Keras NetworkExecutor Rule Engine PortObjectReference Reader Normalizer (Apply) Split Collectionsand Denormalize WorkflowService Input WorkflowService Output Automatically Generated Deployment Workflow for Glucose PredictionThis deployment workflow has been autonmatically created from the testing part of the workflow buildin, training, and testing a feedforward neuralnetwork, via the two integrated deployment nodes and the Workflow Writer node.- Capture Workflow Start and Capture Workflow End node isolate and export the workflow segment in between.- Workflow Writer node transforms such workflow segment into a real workflow and writes it into the selected location. trained keras networkcombine 6 mostrecent values intotarget listlag valuescombine 36 values before the target intoinput list> 12.5 too high< 2.5 too lowNormalization modelNode 486 PortObjectReference Reader Column Aggregator Lag Column Column Aggregator Keras NetworkExecutor Rule Engine PortObjectReference Reader Normalizer (Apply) Split Collectionsand Denormalize WorkflowService Input WorkflowService Output


