

Transform Data using Rule Engine and String Manipulation nodes
Create a column for Route using StringManipulation NodeStep 1: Double Click on the "String Manipulation" node toopen the dialog boxStep 2: In the "String Manipulation" tab, go to the"Expressions" section and enter the following rulejoin($Origin$,"-",$Dest$)This will concatenate the Origin Airport with the DestinationAirport with a hyphen in between. Select the option of"Append Column" and a new column will be appended tothe output.Step 3 : Select "OK" and close the dialog box, now rightclick on the node and select on execute to get the newcolumn "Route" Create a column for Status using Rule Engine NodeStep 1: Double Click on the "Rule Engine" node to open the dialog boxStep 2: In the "Rule Editor" tab, go to the "Expressions" section and enter the following rule$DepDelay$ > 15 =>"Delayed"TRUE =>"Not Delayed"This will create a rule, where the flights with departure delay>15 willbe given status as "Delayed" while the rest of them will be labeled as"Not Delayed". Choose Append Column option and name the newcolumn as "Status"Step 3 : Select "OK" and close the dialog box, now right click on thenode and select on execute to get the new column "Status" in theoutput table Load Airline DatasetCreate Route ColOrigin-DestinationFlights dep delay > 15havestatus "Delayed"#delayed flights by RouteFilter Delayed FlightsShow the Routesin order ofmaximum delayed flights CSV Reader String Manipulation Rule Engine GroupBy Row Filter Column Rename Sorter Table View Create a column for Route using StringManipulation NodeStep 1: Double Click on the "String Manipulation" node toopen the dialog boxStep 2: In the "String Manipulation" tab, go to the"Expressions" section and enter the following rulejoin($Origin$,"-",$Dest$)This will concatenate the Origin Airport with the DestinationAirport with a hyphen in between. Select the option of"Append Column" and a new column will be appended tothe output.Step 3 : Select "OK" and close the dialog box, now rightclick on the node and select on execute to get the newcolumn "Route" Create a column for Status using Rule Engine NodeStep 1: Double Click on the "Rule Engine" node to open the dialog boxStep 2: In the "Rule Editor" tab, go to the "Expressions" section and enter the following rule$DepDelay$ > 15 =>"Delayed"TRUE =>"Not Delayed"This will create a rule, where the flights with departure delay>15 willbe given status as "Delayed" while the rest of them will be labeled as"Not Delayed". Choose Append Column option and name the newcolumn as "Status"Step 3 : Select "OK" and close the dialog box, now right click on thenode and select on execute to get the new column "Status" in theoutput table Load Airline DatasetCreate Route ColOrigin-DestinationFlights dep delay > 15havestatus "Delayed"#delayed flights by RouteFilter Delayed FlightsShow the Routesin order ofmaximum delayed flights CSV Reader String Manipulation Rule Engine GroupBy Row Filter Column Rename Sorter Table View


