
01 Data Access

01 Data Access - Exercise

This workflow shows a hands-on exercise in the L1-DW KNIME Analytics Platform for Data Wranglers: Basics course

Task 1: Read data from file1. Read the following files, available in the data folder, using the appropriate reader nodes:- population sheet in the demographics.xlsx file- life_expectancy sheet in the demographics.xlsx file- travel_advisories.csv- geo_coordinates.tableHint! You can drag and drop the files from KNIME Explorer to the workflow editor2. Change the file paths to workflow relative paths Task 2: Read data from database1. Read the LifeExpectancy table in the Demographics.sqlite database that you can find inthe data folder Task 1: Read data from file1. Read the following files, available in the data folder, using the appropriate reader nodes:- population sheet in the demographics.xlsx file- life_expectancy sheet in the demographics.xlsx file- travel_advisories.csv- geo_coordinates.tableHint! You can drag and drop the files from KNIME Explorer to the workflow editor2. Change the file paths to workflow relative paths Task 2: Read data from database1. Read the LifeExpectancy table in the Demographics.sqlite database that you can find inthe data folder


  • No nodes found


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