
1st Session Final Assessment Workflow

L1-DW Final Assessment Workflow

This workflow contains the final assessment of the L1-DW self-paced course. Solve the workflow and complete the quiz at the end of the course!

Task 3. Make sense of the dataThe columns edu_mother and edu_father represent theeducation level of a student's parents. Map the indices to thefollowing categories0 - none1 - primary2 - middle3 - secondary4 - higherGroup the data in order to obtain the number of students foreach combination of mother and father education level. Task 2. DatabasesThe students.sqlite database stores studentpersonal info in 2 tables - GP and MS - correspondingto two different schools.Create a new table transcript and write the studenttranscript data.Read the DB data into the workflow as a single tablecontaining the students from both schools joined withthe relative transcript data. Question: Which of thefollowing combinations ofmother and father's educationis not present in the data? Question: Which of thefollowing nodes can beused to replace theeducation index? Question: For how manystudents is thetranscript available? Task 1. ManipulationThe transcript.csv file contains failures, absencesand grades for each student.. Transform the idfrom the form s0000 to S0000. Question: Which of thefollowing nodes can beused to perform themanipulation in Task 1? Task 4. Date&TimeThe column date_enrolled contains the starting date of eachstudent's career. It is stored as a string.According to the value of this column, filter the students thathave been enrolled before 01-01-2017 (exclusive range) Question: How manystudents have beenenrolled before 2017? students.sqliteGPMStranscript.csv SQLite Connector DB Table Selector DB Table Selector CSV Reader Task 3. Make sense of the dataThe columns edu_mother and edu_father represent theeducation level of a student's parents. Map the indices to thefollowing categories0 - none1 - primary2 - middle3 - secondary4 - higherGroup the data in order to obtain the number of students foreach combination of mother and father education level. Task 2. DatabasesThe students.sqlite database stores studentpersonal info in 2 tables - GP and MS - correspondingto two different schools.Create a new table transcript and write the studenttranscript data.Read the DB data into the workflow as a single tablecontaining the students from both schools joined withthe relative transcript data. Question: Which of thefollowing combinations ofmother and father's educationis not present in the data? Question: Which of thefollowing nodes can beused to replace theeducation index? Question: For how manystudents is thetranscript available? Task 1. ManipulationThe transcript.csv file contains failures, absencesand grades for each student.. Transform the idfrom the form s0000 to S0000. Question: Which of thefollowing nodes can beused to perform themanipulation in Task 1? Task 4. Date&TimeThe column date_enrolled contains the starting date of eachstudent's career. It is stored as a string.According to the value of this column, filter the students thathave been enrolled before 01-01-2017 (exclusive range) Question: How manystudents have beenenrolled before 2017? students.sqliteGPMStranscript.csvSQLite Connector DB Table Selector DB Table Selector CSV Reader


